
אליהו ספיר
Eliyahu Sapir

About me

Greetings, my name is Eliyahu Sapir and I’m an expert in emotional and physical release. I want to help you free yourselves from stress and pain towards a better, happier new way of living

“If you care for your mind, if you nurture it and if you cultivate it just like a fertile, rich garden, it will blossom far beyond your expectations. But if you let the weeds take root, lasting peace of mind and deep inner harmony will always elude you” (Robin Sharma, “The Monk who Sold his Ferrari”)

My clinic is located in Rishpon, where I live with my wife Michal and my two children. I invite you – the people who aspire to develop themselves, who desire change, men and women with awareness and intent, to open your heart and accept my hand reaching towards you.

My journey

I was born in Migdal Ha’emec as the oldest sibling in a home filled with warmth and love. After my military service, I started working in the family business for selling used cars with my late father, where I was exposed to the importance of attentive listening and seeking to understand the people around me. When I was working there, I led a hedonistic lifestyle, travelling around the world and even got my pilot’s license. But as I was reaching the third decade of my life, I started to feel like something was missing. The luxuries, money and my professional success didn’t help me become happier. Taking the advice of my mother, my mentor, I went on a trip to Eastern Asia with a two-way ticket for about a month, that eventually became a six-month trip. The trip changed my whole perspective on life. The simple living, the healthy lifestyle, the nutritious food, yoga and exercise, the flow and the life of it have opened my heart and helped me see that there is another way. I realized that I can be happy without chasing money or professional success, and that that’s how I want to spend the rest of my life. When I can back to Israel, I moved to Haifa and began studying Eastern Cuisine and Medicine. Since then, for the last 20 years I have been a “lifelong student” that evolves, explores and acquires tools that are helping me develop as a therapist and as a man.

My Studies

My fascinating journey towards inner happiness has led me to study in some of the most renowned institutions in the world of alternative medicine. I have learned Shiatzoo, Twinah, The Ilan Bar Lev method, auriculotherapy, Chinese acupuncture, Tibetian bowls, Sojuk, Bach Flowers, therapeutic sounds and healing. After 8 years in which I dived deep into the secrets of Eastern medicine, a salesman at a mysticism store told me about Dr. Ander Boto, founder of the Energetic Wash. In that moment I had a spark, and since then I have been accompanying Dr. Nader in his workshops for the past 12 years and incorporating his method in my Therapeutic path. The tools that I have acquired in my life’s journey, give me the ability to help my patients go through a process of healing, growth and awareness, and to connect with their own unique inner voice.


Over the years, my own personal development has helped me to reach the conclusion that I possess the tools to help others free themselves from emotional and physical blockage, to flow new energy and to reach physical and emotional harmony. My unique method which I developed, that incorporates numerous tools and techniques that I have acquired over the years is called Free Flow, as it gives the patient a feeling of free-flowing energy in all of their bodily systems, as well as souls.

The journey with the patient

From the very first phone call, it is important to me to understand if I can help you. Keeping an open mind and a willingness to give in to the process will help me to give you a gift – a deep, real change, as well as inner peace. In our in-person appointment in my clinic, through a deep but easy-going conversation, we’ll dive into the root of the issue that’s causing the energy blockage or chronic disease. If some fears will begin to arise, we will address them. After we pinpoint the root of the problem, I’ll conduct the energetic wash, during which you could experience the release of the blockage through spontaneous shaking, crying or laughter. After that, I will teach you some techniques you could practice by yourselves at home in order to continue with that process, together with a mixture of Bach flowers that I will customize for your own personal development and spiritual growth.

Happiness is a journey – not a destination

I invite you to accompany me in the journey of your life and to join my family of patients, who experienced the change which they longed for – a life full of happiness, health and harmony.

Picture of אליהו ספיר

אליהו ספיר