Filling out the questionnaire
Reminder: Before the first session, you need to print the attached questionnaire, fill it out, and bring it with you to the treatment. Please do not send the questionnaire back.
Want to receive the questionnaire by email? Click here, send us an email, and you will receive it back by email.
Before the treatment:
- Please come in comfortable clothes and bring an additional pair of clean socks.
- Do not come in a skirt or dress, and it’s preferable not to wear makeup.
- It’s preferable not to eat close to the treatment time.
- The session lasts up to an hour and a quarter and costs 550₪.
- If you want Eliyahu to prepare a Bach flower remedy bottle, the cost is 70₪.
- Payment can be made by cash/check/credit card/Bit (American Express is not accepted).
- The address: Hakfar 5, Moshav Rishpon (next to Brenner Farm).
- For any changes or cancellations, please contact us at least 48 hours before your appointment.
- For any questions, feel free to contact me by phone or text message at this number: 054-4213151.
• For those arriving from the Coastal Highway, it is already Hakfar Street, a right turn to number 5.
• For those arriving from within the moshav, it is a left turn. There is also signage on the street itself.
• After turning, there is a fork with Brenner Farm, drive and enter the left path.
• The clinic is on the right side.
• For navigation with Waze: click here.
• For those arriving by public transportation:
• Walk about 300 meters from the entrance to the settlement on the Coastal Highway and turn right onto Hakfar 5 to a small alley.
• Brenner Farm, drive and enter the left path, and you have arrived at the correct place.
For Eliyahu’s personal phone:
General instructions:
- The clinic is located in a gray building within a private yard that can be accessed by car.
- There is parking available to the left of the clinic building.
- Since the clinic is located within a private yard, please wait only within the designated area and do not wander around the yard!
- No pets are allowed in the clinic area or to be left in the yard!
- There is a waiting room and restroom available on site.
- The waiting room is shared with an office located in the same building.
- Please do not wander around the office area.
- Please put your phone on silent mode when entering the place and do not knock on the door.
- When Eliyahu finishes the treatment before you, he will come out of the treatment room.
- If you cannot find the place or are late for the treatment, please call or send a message to Eliyahu’s personal phone: 055-6876795.
- Michal is not at the clinic itself.
Pictures of the place: