I never felt the compassion for myself

Since the treatment I’m very much aware of of breathing and increasing passion in life again.
It has to do with feeling worthy, and loving yourself.
In my work as a photographer it’s all about compassion for others. But I never felt the compassion for myself 🙂
The breathing part might be a karma thing. In a hypnose I saw myself as a jewish girl in a camp with her mother. She was 4 years old. She was not allowed to live.
I’m ready for life:-) Thanks Eli!
sara, 49, holland

I had a stammer for as long as I can remember

Dear Eliyahu Sapir, I wanted to thank you for your dedication to treating me. I came to you through my father who is himself a Shiatsu and alternative medicine practitioner. At first I was actually skeptical, but I came with an open mind and eventually a lot of good came out of it – I had a stammer for as long as I can remember, I came to be treated by you and it improved significantly – you may say it even went away due to the energetic washout, the dedicated treatment, caring, and interest from you. Thank you so much, dear friend!
