I thought my heart couldn’t feel or fall in love

“Hello Eliyahu, I’ve had a very powerful experience in your clinic, I felt like negativity and toxins were leaving my body and my body is suddenly functioning a lot better. Most of all I’ve felt my heart, during and after the treatment, as if it’s back to functioning properly and can feel again. During the treatment I’ve felt butterflies going from my stomach to my heart, just like when you fall in love, which is a feeling I haven’t felt in years, I thought my heart could never feel or fall in love ever again, and that everything works like a machine…. My body still hurts in several places, but it’s not a pain that bothers me. I have accepted the pain. I’d love to come for another treatment in the future and continue using bach flower remedies.. Thank you so much for an amazing and liberating experience, for the warmth and attention, it felt just like home. Have a magical Saturday T. “

To guide you to yourself

“A special session of a special man! In an accessible safe way Eli knows how to put you at ease and to guide you to yourself, to the core. Blockades are removed so that you are able to answer questions like who am I or what and how I can realize my dreams independently. I recommend it for anyone who wants to move forward lovingly. Eli is professional and effective, he knows what he is doing and what he is talking about. The peace and trust that he gives you makes you even more open to the treatment and can be pure yourself. He has made me think and given tools. Now I recognize more my unrest moments and know how to deal with this. Eli is a pleasant and very knowledgeable man who brings something that can not be described. Stability, peace and confidence, that’s how I left the room.”


A lot of energy release and felt very relieved

“Dear Eli,
thank you so much for the very special treatment! After deep listening to my story, you knew and felt exactly what I needed and where my blockages were. There was a lot of energy release and felt very relieved afterwards. Thank you again for this beautiful experience! ”

I’ve been struggling with severe migraines for 30 years

I’ve been struggling with severe migraines for 30 “Dear Eliyahu, I would like to thank you for the devoted and sensitive treatment that you’ve given all of us (my daughter, my husband and me). We all feel significantly better with our lives since the treatment. Especially me, who suffered from severe migraines for 30 years in a way that interfered with my daily life. Ever since the second treatment you could say that the pain has vanished and life is wonderful. My daughter, who also suffered from terrible headaches, feels great after the treatments. I recommend to anyone reading this lines, and in general anyone I know, who carries a problem with no explanation or cure, to visit you for a liberating treatment. I thank you wholeheartedly for everything.


The body is floating. Liberated. Free

“Wow!!!! I don’t know how to explain. I have no words. Only sensations. The body is floating. Liberated. Free. The shoulders don’t hurt. Although I cried a lot, I am not exhausted. I do feel excited. Connected. Loved. Loving. I was crying. Screaming. Breathing. Getting mad. Pounding. I fell apart. Reconnected. I was in pain. I hated. I loved. I got emotional. I met. I met myself. I met myself as the little girl that I was. I felt sorry for her. I loved her. I walked hand in hand with her. Like a big, loving, guarding sister. With a lot of love. And a lot of closeness. With great, pleasant warmth that passed between us. Great, pleasant warmth that embraced us. I could say to her “I love you! I love you!!!” And now I say to her – Let’s go with courage. Let’s go as heroes. Let’s go with health. Let’s go to the end. With no fear. We are here together, strong and brave. We will live. Be happy, go crazy over my husband and the kids, go for it, be ourselves, let everything we have bottled up inside of us out in the open. Give ourselves love, plenty of it, because we deserve it!!!! M.”

Clear knowledge that I am protected and loved

Dear Eliyahu!
I wanted to thank you for the powerful experience I went through with your help. It’s been several days since my energetic washout and every day I feel how the process becomes more and more embedded in me and becomes a part of me.
The treatment itself was a fascinating journey into my own self, and afterwards I felt as if I lost 10kg of patterns that I knew were not helping me, but that I didn’t know how to get rid of.
I am a person with self-awareness, and I did a lot of work with myself for a long time, and during the treatment things were just flowing out so powerfully, and I felt all the guilt, self-deprecation, shame, regret, and other things I can’t find words for but that sat heavy on my soul, all leaving me.
It was an experience of spiritual elation and physical release, it was exhilarating.
The day after the treatment I was able to see certain situations in my life from a different perspective, and make choices and decisions not from a place of suffering, victimhood and guilt that never lead to good things, but from a place of strength and with clear knowledge that I am protected and loved, that I have a choice and that that path I choose will lead me exactly where I need to be and in a way that I can embrace the process, and that all of the options standing before me are good and helpful for me.
I couldn’t ask for a more attentive, accepting and aware therapist to guide me through the process and envelope me with so much caring.
The confidence you gave me, that I can let everything out with you and there’s no judgement or criticism from your direction, allowed me to truly let go of all this extra baggage I’ve been carrying on my shoulders for so long.
I thank you, and am definitely coming back for the rest of the process

I thought my heart can’t feel and fall in love

Hi Eliyahu, I went through a very powerful experience in your clinic, I felt that the negativity and poison in my body flushed out and my body suddenly works better. I especially felt my heart throughout the treatment and after, as if it works again and is able to feel. During the treatment I felt like butterflies were coming up from my belly to my heart the same as when you fall in love, and this is a feeling I haven’t felt in years, I thought my heart can’t feel and fall in love, and everything is working like a machine…
My body still hurts in some places but it’s not a bothersome pain, I accept it.
I would love to come back for another treatment and to continue with the Bach flowers…
Thank you for a wonderful and liberating experience, for the warmth and your listening. I felt at home.
Have a lovely weekend.


Coping better with mental stress and work pressures

My name is Amnon and I am a freelancer. I reached Eliyahu in my 50s, after the heavy stress and my job’s demanding character started to show on me physically. At first I suffered from sleep disorders by waking up too early, and then from muscle cramps. Eliyahu started working with me on different relaxation techniques. Along with the real physical relief, with time I managed to adopt habits of linger and slower breathing, which significantly helps in times of stress and my job’s continuous pressure situations. The treatments by Eliyahu significantly lessened my muscle pain and allowed me to sleep longer, as well as cope better with mental stress and work pressures.

Amnon, 56, Haifa

I know how to accept myself

Several months of emotional, touching, “rambling” and empowering sessions and treatments together with Bach flower remedies.
I started out with difficult feelings and anxieties about life, money, work, and more…
The process was slow, but every session was full of compassion, examination in order to reach maximal accuracy both in the energy washout treatment and the Bach flowers remedies.
Today, several months later, I feel like I’m in a new place, more accurate and knowledgeable – what is and isn’t, how to ask better questions, how to accept myself and how to start trusting the universe and understand what I want to bring into it.
I recommend every single person as a crossroad in their life, restless about any aspect of their lives…
I feel like I’ve won
Thank you, dear Eliyahu (:


I suffered from daily migraines

It’s been quite a while since my treatment, but I’ve been feeling for a long time now that I have to write to you to thank you.
I came to you with a broken and bleeding heart after many emotional turbulences, and to try to get rid of the migraines I’ve been suffering from for years.
You welcomed me with a smile, ready to listen and with lots of patience. Throughout the treatment I felt tingling and some pain in the places you put pressure on, but the pain was liberating.
At the end of the treatment and afterwards I felt like the rust was washed off my body, and my joy was returning to me. I felt like you blew on the ember in my heart and it is slowly starting to burn again.
I can finally open my heart again, and the migraines have improved so significantly it’s like they were never there.
Beyond that, I’d like to thank you for existing and I feel that what you do is a kind of mission. You have an enormous heart and soul and right from the start I felt that you do what you do with a great passion and will to help others.
Many thanks again,
And I’m sure we’ll meet again in the future.