sexual trauma

Sexual trauma

“Don’t be scared, you’re not alone – if fear will strike on the road ahead, I’ll help you through it, hand in hand.

Sadly, many of us suffer from the consequence of sexual trauma, whether that be sexual harassment or assault. According to the statistics by the Israeli aid center for victims of sexual assault, the percentage victims is quite large, and do not pass on any part of the population, whether that be men, women or children.
Any sexual behavior or act that is forced upon another person without their consent, including promises or ultimatums with a sexual nature or reward, are under the category of sexual harassment or assault. The wide range of such instances results in a lot of grey area for all of the parties involved, and many times victims of such instances react and process these encounters differently. An event that can be almost insignificant to one person can be quite severe and traumatic for another – but the emphasis is not on the specific case or situation, but on how the victim internalizes the experience.

טיפול בפגיעות מיניות

Painful memories are “tattooed” on our bodies

When a victim is hurt and the situation is defined as a trauma, dealing with that trauma can be very challenging, as it can actually get worse over the years. The assault or harassment consists of many long-term effects that can affect the victim’s daily life, even if they are not fully aware of it. Signs like reoccurring flashbacks of the incident that are appearing uncontrollably, avoidance of social activities or events, difficulty with touch and many other forms of anxiety that differ between one person to the other, are all indicators of a developing post traumatic disorder.

The journey of dealing with the trauma

Dealing with the memories of the past can damage crucial social functions, such as the ability to build trust or long-lasting relationships. Other effects include depression, increased stress and anxiety as well as being more susceptible to developing eating disorders and drug use. The distress that results from sexual trauma can come to light in ways that have a negative effect on the victim’s life, which include low self-esteem, self-guilt and participating in self-destructing behavior. Therefore, finding healthy ways to deal with the trauma is crucial for any person who have experienced it, in creating a more peaceful, happier and balanced life.

There’s love within you – and it will win

For over 20 years I have treated people with many different kinds of trauma, while helping them find their way towards a happier life. Throughout my therapeutic journey, I have developed a unique method for releasing both the body and the soul from traumas and energy blockages that are making it difficult for them to coexist and act harmoniously. Inspired by the Energetic Wash method developed by the acclaimed Dr. Nader Butto, my method helps my patients to let go of energetic blockages caused by trauma. I create a supportive and non-judgmental environment for my patients and incorporate many effective tools in order to get a better understanding of each and every patient’s unique situation. After an attentive and empathetic conversation, I personally customize Bach flowers for each and every patient, which stays with them long after the treatment is over.
I invite you to join me on the path leading to a better life – to connect your physical and mental states in a professional and knowledgeable environment, to bring back awareness to your sensations and create positive habits and routines that will make your lives better for years to come.

“The greatest obstacle I have to get through is my own thought process. If I could change it – I’ll succeed in approaching any difficulty in life” 

Take my hand that is reached out to you… you’re not alone – together we will get over the pain and reach the top of the mountain at peace.

Picture of אליהו ספיר

אליהו ספיר