The site contains about 200 letters from patients about the treatment
Patients tell about the treatment:
A Fearless Skeptic
I wanted to use this platform to write down what happened to me. I came to Eliyahu because I felt like I was stuck, disconnected from my body and my emotions. Despite going through long therapy sessions, despite the fact that I know how to analyze and be aware of different scenarios, I couldn’t put my finger on how to solve this disconnect. I should mention that I am a big skeptic and don’t really believe in anything (I wanted to say that I believe in nothing but Gravity, but for the majority of human existence no one believed in it). I wasn’t feeling a big change after my first session with Eliyahu, and not shortly after. But over a year later, I’m at a totally different place. I went back to my beloved profession (which I believe is a big part of what I was destined to do on this earth), rediscovered my sexuality, and let go of my feelings of guilt which have persistently accompanied me for as long as I can remember. My body feels different, far less tense, and more at ease. And I’m not scared anymore, of anything at all. I won’t say that going to Eliyahu was the only thing that made this change, but it is likely that it opened some gaps and blockages which allowed this change to take place.
powerful experience
Dear Eliyahu,
I wanted to thank you for the powerful experience you gave me. It’s been a few days since my energetic wash, and I can sense how this process continues to deepen inside of me every single day. Our sessions themselves were a fascinating journey towards my inner self, which made me feel like I have lost 10 Kg of negative patterns and behaviours, that even though I knew were harmful, couldn’t get rid of myself. I’m a self-aware person and have done a lot of self-work for a long period of time, and during our sessions things just got released and let go in an incredibly powerful way that I have never experienced before. I felt how I’m freeing myself of guilt, doubt, shame, regret, and other emotions that I’m not even sure how to categorize, who were weighting on me. It was a spiritually uplifting, tension relieving and deeply moving experience. After the very first day I could see different situations in my life in whole new perspectives, and to make decisions and choices not from a place of victimhood and guilt (which never lead to anything good), but from a powerful place, knowing that I’m protected and loved, that I have a choice and a say when it comes to my life, and that the path I choose to walk on will lead me exactly where I need to be, as I have to take control of the process and the choices That will benefit me. I Couldn’t have asked for a better, more attentive, compassionate, or aware person then you to walk me through this process and cover me with compassion and kindness. The way you allowed me to confide in you with no judgment or criticism have allowed me to truly let go of this useless burden I was carrying on my shoulders for so long. I thank you and I’m looking forward to the rest of our journey 🙂
My Fear of Driving
I came to you because of a suffocating fear that took over me every time I put my hands on the wheel. Driving is a crucial aspect of my job and therefore my life, and because of that I did everything I could to forget about this one accident that have caused this fear. No matter how much I tried, I couldn’t do it all by myself. Someone recommended me to try and release my energetic blockages, which led me to you… with your warm and pleasant attitude, you gave me the confidence I needed to know that everything is going to be okay, and that together, we will succeed. “It’s important that you take a deep breath every time the pain occurs”, you added, “for you to acknowledge the pain and let it go “. I also had issues regarding concentration, tiredness and stress deriving from a stressful lifestyle (which added to my feeling of being unsafe on the road), and continuous joint pains that were getting worse and worse the more I drove. I was curious and excited about our first session. I didn’t know what to expect. But from the very beginning, I felt like my body is giving in to your therapeutic touch. I felt safe while you were tracking down the exact spots which caused me pain and taught me how to breath in a healthy way. It may sound like I was suffering, but my body dealt with it as I felt how my pain and stress are gradually decreasing. Then came the second session, after which I felt even more confident on the road, and even called you a magician J. I want to add that the treatment with Bach flowers which you stand by, was of great help during our first sessions and made me feel safe, but that the personalized Bach flowers for my tiredness and concentrating issues were not as effective to me personally. Thank you so much for all of your help, and I will continue to come for sessions and recommend your emotional healing sessions.
Michal, 42. Poleg
my womb starting to move
Dear Eliyahu,
I wanted to thank you, first and foremost, for who you are. I began to tear up from the very first moment I sat across from you because I felt unconditional love and support in your presence, which allowed me to be myself and deal with my biggest obstacles. You were completely there for me, while being incredibly precise, accurate and loving. For a while I have tried to conceive and wasn’t able to do so, feeling like my womb was unavailable for it, but after experiencing your energetic wash, I felt the energy in my womb starting to move, and shortly after became pregnant! Thank you my dear and lovely Eliyahu
I Was Sexually Abused
I would like to share a traumatic experience that happened to me when I was a little girl. When I was around 4 or 5, a stranger sexually abused me. It ended quickly, but it scarred me for life. This scar stayed with me for years and years. I kept this secret with a feeling of hopelessness and shame. I went through psychological treatment and brought it up, as I thought that talking about it could help me heal. I even shared this traumatic experience with my partner, which also helped a bit. Then I got divorced (for other reasons of course) and went to therapy again, in which this trauma was identified as a crucial factor negatively affecting many aspects of my personal and romantic life, among them not being able to give birth, even though there was no identifiable physiological problem. I came to Eliyahu to in order to release my body from tension, and aided by his incredible intuition and compassion, I shared my traumatic past with him. Eliyahu led our session peacefully and gently and made me feel like I want to release this trauma that was burdening my life, to free myself from this lump that suffocated my life and my body. I wanted to share my story because I know there are thousands of women (and more than a few men) that have shared similar experiences, and that the trauma derived from it plays a big role in their lives, while stopping them from reaching their full potential (in my case even the ability to give birth). I want all of you to look in the mirror and say enough!!! I deserve a full life, free of the shadows that are trying to contaminate them, to live in the light, be at peace with my body and soul, and in some cases become a parent. I want to Thank you Eliyahu Sapir and to my inner child that said enough!!! I can live my life, I’m the one who decides who I am and who I can be, And I always choose new love, decisions, and beginnings.
guidance and care
Dear Eliyahu,
We came to you while being in the darkest place that we have ever been in, feeling that we as parents could not help our son anymore, who suffers from a difficult and persistent disease that have brought complex mental problems, a low self-esteem, social issues and more… after years and years of going to Psychologists, Psychiatrists, and social workers, we were obviously very skeptic when we were told about you. How could we not be after all these years? But from our very first introductory conversation, we saw how gentle and understanding you are, which made us decide to go for it, and believe that it just might work 🙂
That’s when the magic started to happen. You and our son met, and a great bond was formed from the very first session. He thoroughly enjoyed your conversation and couldn’t wait for the next time he’ll get to talk to you again. The decision to extend this bond into multiple sessions has been so right for him, and today, I’m proud to say with tears of joy in my eyes, that our son is in a whole other place!!! He is so much Happier, calmer, more confident and perhaps most importantly, was told by his doctors that he can get off those meds he took for years and years!!!
Dear Eliyahu, you are not only an amazing human being, but your guidance and care quite literally saved our son, and no words could ever capture our sense of gratitude towards you ♥️♥️♥️
A Few Years of Psychoanalysis
Just two sessions with Eliyahu Sapir have almost miraculously released blockages and residual feelings that were buried deep down inside of me, ones that affected my happiness and spontaneity. In my humble opinion, this deeply meaningful change in my well-being, peacefulness and happiness is on par with a few years of professional Psychoanalysis treatment, and perhaps even more. It is Highly recommended, a gift that everyone should give themselves. Eliyahu has incredible intuition, a wonderfully warm attitude, and a kind heart, while of course being highly professional.
Thank you J
I discovered that I’m pregnant
I came to Eliyahu for the first time almost 4 years ago…
A woman suffering from Crohn’s disease and Fibromyalgia, with tremendous will and ambition to find herself in this world, and to finally conceive a daughter after giving birth to two boys. I arrived at Eliyahu’s clinic filled with doubts, fears, and energetic blockages, with my confidence being at an all-time low… But with the help of a magical and tension releasing treatment which incorporates deep conversations, Bach flowers, therapeutic touch and breathing exercises (who knew there was even such a thing as proper and healthy breathing?) I have experienced visions deeply derived from my strong intuition about giving birth, and about how this pregnancy will lead me forward in my path…
Looking back, it is very clear to me that it was Eliyahu who helped plant the seeds who blossomed into the person I am today, and lead me to the path I chose to walk on…
Our sessions only stopped when I discovered that I’m pregnant (My lovely daughter is 3 years old today), and I have also learned NLP and became an alternative medicine therapist myself…
Eliyahu is peaceful, loving, attentive and non-judgmental, while of course being extremely precise and professional…
Years and years of ordinary Therapy sessions by multiple Psychologists have never made such a tremendous positive impact on my way of life and feelings as Eliyahu did, and for that I will always be grateful and remember our positive and empowering sessions very fondly…
I can’t recommend him enough!!!
As a cancer survivor
Hi Eliyahu,
I’ve come to see you with the recommendation of a friend in order to relieve stress and start a process of healing for my soul.
As a past cancer survivor, I found it important to treat my soul and body with something like an energetic washout as part of the deep healing process.
I never imagined that right after the first treatment I’d feel a huge impact like this and be liberated beyond my expectations.
I don’t know if I can put into words the experience I’ve had, I was excited, emotional and free.
You’ve allowed me, in a professional and sensitive way, to connect with my soul deeply and everything I was too scared to do, and not be afraid to look inside and love who I am today and who I was in any stage of my life.
I’d like to thank you for the patience, sensitivity and care,
I’m glad I came to you and got to know you and your treatment methods.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I was very relieved and full of energy
Dear Eli,
It has been a great experience to be treated by you. During the intake you made me feel comfortabele and we discussed the energy treatment.
During the massage I felt as I was leaving my body. I noticed my self as I was a bystander.
I also experienced a very clear picture of an ancient warrior.
I do not know what it meant but I felt very relieved. At the end of the treatment I was very cold and I needed a lot of blankets to get warm again. Afterwards I was very relieved and full of energy. It felt as if my energychannels were clear again.
I can recommend Eli as he is a sincere person with healing capacities.
I never felt the compassion for myself
Since the treatment I’m very much aware of of breathing and increasing passion in life again.
It has to do with feeling worthy, and loving yourself.
In my work as a photographer it’s all about compassion for others. But I never felt the compassion for myself 🙂
The breathing part might be a karma thing. In a hypnose I saw myself as a jewish girl in a camp with her mother. She was 4 years old. She was not allowed to live.
I’m ready for life:-) Thanks Eli!
sara, 49, holland
I now am aware of my uncertainty
I now am aware of my uncertainty. I was busy with something I wasn’t aware.
I was holding my breathe in situations, and I don’t know why. I just stop. and hold.
The border is something what seems to be repeating and I don’t know the cause.
I have goals and on the way I meet people and on one way or another in the past they tried to claim. But I’m already a lot further and the border is there, somehow I feel that.
It is for me important and better that someone gives me that, like you did by saying. It helped me.
And some people, I don’t need them. That’s for sure.
sandra, 30 , holland
‘I’ve had an extraordinary experience with Life in the most perfect way.
Through the conversation with Eliyahu at the beginning of the session, I was able to see life with new eyes.
He is able to show the essence in life with words, but also without words. He pass across the energy of the divine.
I keep feeling the calmness and happiness
Dear Eliyahu
I had a great experience during your treatment, but afterwords it have been even better!
Unfortunately I cannot feel the prickling sensation in my whole body again,
but I keep feeling the calmness and happiness that I have during your treatment. Thank you!!!
m, 29 holland
I am good the way i am
Dear Eli,
With your treatment you really did help me to let go of a lot of emotional ballast what makes that i left so much weight behind and created more space inside myself.
It brought me back to my true self. Even to that little girl inside that makes me happy and let me enjoy life again.
I sleep so much better, enjoy life and make decisions so i look after myself much better. Now i can say :
I am good the way i am and love myself !!!
Thank you very much , am real glad that i met you and your treatment !!!
warm greetings and big hug ,
saw all my life passing before my eyes.
Hi Eliyahu,
It was an incredible treatment, one that I didn’t experience the like of anywhere else. Although I came prepared, after reading Nader Boto’s fascinating book, I still needed to release some leftovers, and let you do what you do for quite a few years now.
True, it requires the patient to become fully immersed in the experience, but for the effectiveness of the treatment, I was willing to take that ‘risk’.
I cried, and laughed, and saw all my life passing before my eyes, and could see my blissful future.
After an hour and a half, I felt relieved, with a better energy flow, and a feeling of joy mixed with optimism that will accompany me for life.
I highly recommend this treatment to everyone I know.
Itching all over my body
I’ve decided to tell about my personal experience, so that other may benefit from this knowledge.
Over the last 6 years, I’ve been suffering from an allergy that had suddenly appeared – just like that.
I manifested in the form of a rash and a terrible itching all over my body.
The allergy would appear each year from spring till winter, and sometimes would even go on beyond that period.
I’ve consulted every possible medical specialist, and nothing helped.
For over a year, I tried acupuncture treatment from one of Israel’s best experts, and that didn’t help either.
The physical discomfort was horrible, making me feel borderline disabled, although I pushed myself through the pain to try and carry on with my daily life.
I reached Eliyahu Sapir through a recommendation from a friend, who heard about him from her friends, who had experience with his methods. When I came to him for the first time, I explained to him that I don’t have much expectations of him,
And that I’m trying this out because I have nothing to lose. He simply smiled and said nothing.
I must say, that after the first session, the allergy was all but gone!!!
But in addition to that, during the therapy, I’ve experienced a complex emotional experience, which I apparently did not let go,
Blockades of which I did not know.
Or, Like Eliyahu said, I went through an energetic wash out.
I used to be an energetic, optimistic type
But ever since the therapy, everything just got more powerful
Full of joy for life, but also
In peace of mind, capable to listen to my now-sharpened senses and intuition.
Now, I feel like using every moment of life to the fullest
And not to miss a thing. I know it sounds
Strange, but it’s just like that for me
In my personal experience.
I feel like I went through a major change that is just beginning, and that what I tell will help others too.
Fulfill my destiny in this life.
I came to Eliyahu following a recommendation from a friend, who achieved powerful results thanks to this therapy. All my life, I am in a constant development process, which significantly accelerated over the last few years.
I understood well that the purpose of this procedure is ultimately good – to create contact, love, and be excited, and I am not willing to ever give up these feelings.
This made it obligatory for me to feel absolutely everything, and touch deep wounds as well – ones that we are not always aware of, and are not always able to reach. It is hard, but without this, I would be hard to go on.
The therapy was amazing, and quite sensational.
Mind-wise, I know and understand what is required of me, but I couldn’t say the same about the body. There’s no doubt that the mind is also somewhat hindering, and does not allow full immersion into the experience.
When the therapy began, I felt myself merge in completely.
The processes itself and the body did not allow the mind to take over.
I felt a deep relief. I met my father, who passed away a year and a half ago. I thought, in my mind, that I had let go of all the pains and deep patterns related to him, but during the therapy session, I was finally able to truly release them, through my body.
I met the small girl that I once was.
The embrace and love that I experienced in this treatment granted me the belief that will allow me to continue and fulfill my destiny in this life.
At the end of the session, I could feel an intense energy flow throughout me, both on the physical and spiritual level.
A day after, I could still feel the process echoing inside me, and I could even manage to continue it on my own.
I went through a lot in my life, and I’m going through amazing processes. But without a doubt, Eliyahu’s treatment gave me a lot, both in the short term, and in the long term as well.
Eliyahu – pleasant, precise, enlightening, and powerful.
I thank him for his devotion and gift in the form of this incredible therapy.
Dalit Laufer
A therapist with deep intuitive sensitivity.
I came to Eliyahu after already visiting several therapists, and I had very few expectations.
The issued that needed to be addressed were emotional and deep.
I’ve been attending this therapy for 10 months, and after each session, I left in a completely different place, mentally, from the one I was in when I came.
And with each session, the inner change could be felt becoming more and more apparent…
Eliyahu treats people from a place of deep intuitive sensitivity, with full attention and presence.
He can spot fakes quickly – he knows how to attune the mind, and the attention, and knows exactly where are the correct energetic “taps” for that day, how to activate them, at what intensity, and precisely which extracts to mix.
I don’t know how he does it, but all of it combined together has an incredible effect.
Thanks to Eliyahu, I was finally able to advance to a new mental and emotional state.
A truly blessed therapist. I sincerely thank you, dear Eliyahu.
I recommend him from the bottom of my heart.
The thought that a male stranger will touch me
I’ve began Eliyahu’s therapy about a year ago. I began attending this therapy following recommendation from family members, who had undergone Eliyahu’s treatment as well. A year ago, I was happy and joyous – like I am today, but not quite the same. Before the first session with Eliyahu, the thought that a male stranger will touch me scared me, and continuous doubts about his dignity were always on my mind – which prevented me from opening and becoming more immersed in the therapy. Eliyahu’s loving and caring character, somewhat father-like even, helped me overcome my doubts and trust him fully right after the first session. This first session began with energetic wash out, during which I relaxed, shook, cried, and disconnected from all the things that I didn’t even know that were bothering and burdening me. Of course, I returned for another session, and eventually, the therapy became more about forward thinking and development, and less about dealing with the past. I felt that Eliyahu understands me, and knows what’s right for me. Together, we could point the finger on the things that prevented me from developing further, that stood in my way. Among those, was a lot of criticism I had, both towards myself, and my surroundings, pressure, and a constant desire to please others, which made me forget myself completely in most cases. Eliyahu gave me the instruments with which I could overcome the obstacles not only during therapy sessions, but also on my own, between sessions. I understand that I have great potential, which I failed to realize with way of conduct, and understood that I must embrace this potential. Of course, the fact that Eliyahu always gave me a feeling that he believes in me was very significant to me. I haven’t come to Eliyahu with a specific fear or problem, but rather, simply to improve myself and live life as best as I could. So, I am still happy and joyous as I was a year ago, but different – better (with, of course, room for more improvement)
Gil, 19
Had a lot of stress
I was recommended to Eliyahu Sapir by a good friend.three years ago. I was not doing very well at that moment. I had a lot of stress, a hernia and a mild form of a burn out. About Eli did his magical things With shaking the legs and arms. And mental coaching. He really helped me trough difficult times,
I recommend Eli with my whole heart.
I struggled with negative feelings
I came to Eli through a good friend. I heard very warm and good experiences. I came to him without expectations. Eli immediately gave me a good and warm impression.
I came for rebalancing because I was energy-free and through certain experiences I struggled with negative feelings.
During the treatment much energy was released because my whole body began to tickle and shaking. I felt a huge fear, but because of Eli’s trust, I could surrender to this feeling. During the session my head was empty while thoughts always went through my mind. I felt a lot of emotion but had no thoughts. My unconscious feelings came free and could leave my body. I have experienced this session very much. I had never felt my body so much and thought so little! I feel better after treatment. Certain situations can not affect me as before, which can keep in my energy and build up again.
I see the treatment as a big cleaning of negative energies that were stuck in my body. Thank you Eli for your warmth and trust that you gave me!
Feeling like a whole new woman
“I’ve found a wizard.
My wizard’s name is Eliyahu.
Every time, over and over, I can’t believe how much the treatment helps.
I always walk out of the clinic feeling 20 years younger.
No spells and no mumbles,
He’s a man that knows how to touch. Both body and soul.
A wizard with the sole purpose of restoring balance, wisdom, insight.
A wizard that helps release fears and break you free from the shackles of the past.
A wizard that makes any pain vanish with the touch of a hand.
In a clinic in Rishpon, before entering I’ve already felt like in a fairytale, like Alice.
The music does it’s thing, and no session ends without a hug, or begins without one.
I didn’t think of writing this. But this week, when I arrived at this magical place, it was on Sunday, and I was in severe pain. So severe, I had to get shots. No matter by whom or how.
An hour later, I came out, feeling like a whole new woman.
No pain. No pain whatsoever.
No pain? How could that be?
What happened within one hour?
Alright, I know I’m going to need surgery in just a moment.
My eighth one, need I remind you.
But for now, I gained my normal life back.
This wizard brews bach flower remedies, for any purpose. And I am calm.
For good night’s rest, for serenity, for happiness. Every patient gets a remedy that’s right for him and only him.
I know what you might be thinking. But I swear, it works.
I would bother writing about it otherwise.
I know that this time my body would be prepared for the ride.
And more important, my soul, that’s so scared.
This time I will not fall apart. This time will be different.
Can’t wait for next week’s session.
And I recommend it. I highly recommend it.
For the body. For the soul. For the positive energies.
For the energetic block that gets released more and more with every time.
For anything that’s good for you.
Do something unconventional for yourself.
You have to really connect to it. Come with an open mind.
Anyone who’s an anti – stay at home. I know many people like that. This is not the place for them. It’s their loss, and only theirs.
Cynics, stay at home.
But those who are willing to give it a chance…..
Try it, my dear friends.
Maximum, it’ll help you.
Thank you, dear wizard, for all the help, encouragement, kind words, guidance, and of course, a treatment like no other.
There’s no person on earth that doesn’t need this experience. I don’t believe it.
I am grateful for not choosing the easy path of anxiety pills
“My experience with the treatment.
After a period of anxiety and trouble sleeping, sleeping for 2 hours a day with sleeping pills.. After numerous psychological therapy sessions (that usually ended up being just conversational), I visited Eliyahu Sapir after getting recommendations about him.
To be honest, I was very skeptical. I arrived from sheer desperation. I realized that this would either help (and again.. I don’t believe in conventional treatments) or I’ll start taking anxiety medication with all of their side effects.
On the first session, that was a bit longer than the following ones, we were mostly talking so he could get to know me. I remember saying to myself ‘here we go, another therapy session under a different title..’
After we were done talking the treatment started. I was asked to loosen up, which was very difficult for me, considering I didn’t believe in such treatments. But something felt much deeper than any other therapy session I’ve ever had.
At the end of the session he told me my body might be shaking and that it’s a natural reaction to an energetic washout.
When I came home, my husband asked me how the session went, and I started trembling.
I remember telling him that it’s probably my my mind deciding that my body should start shaking and I still couldn’t believe that it happened!!
On the same day I went to sleep at 6pm and ended up sleeping until 10am the next day.
(Remember how I couldn’t sleep more than 2 hours a day??)
I woke up to a new world – I’ve regained my faith, I could let go of the anxiety. I could go back to my ordinary life!
Of course I had to go back to a few more sessions, and with each session I’ve felt like I finally understand what it meant to loosen up and and imagining new things. I’ve learned to enjoy the sessions and let myself experience each one of them.
I’m really happy I was recommended to visit him.
I am grateful for not choosing the easy path of anxiety pills and that there is another way of getting through a time like this.
I’ve gained a new perspective. The world has become calmer. I am very thankful.
I thought my heart couldn’t feel or fall in love
“Hello Eliyahu, I’ve had a very powerful experience in your clinic, I felt like negativity and toxins were leaving my body and my body is suddenly functioning a lot better. Most of all I’ve felt my heart, during and after the treatment, as if it’s back to functioning properly and can feel again. During the treatment I’ve felt butterflies going from my stomach to my heart, just like when you fall in love, which is a feeling I haven’t felt in years, I thought my heart could never feel or fall in love ever again, and that everything works like a machine…. My body still hurts in several places, but it’s not a pain that bothers me. I have accepted the pain. I’d love to come for another treatment in the future and continue using bach flower remedies.. Thank you so much for an amazing and liberating experience, for the warmth and attention, it felt just like home. Have a magical Saturday T. “
To guide you to yourself
“A special session of a special man! In an accessible safe way Eli knows how to put you at ease and to guide you to yourself, to the core. Blockades are removed so that you are able to answer questions like who am I or what and how I can realize my dreams independently. I recommend it for anyone who wants to move forward lovingly. Eli is professional and effective, he knows what he is doing and what he is talking about. The peace and trust that he gives you makes you even more open to the treatment and can be pure yourself. He has made me think and given tools. Now I recognize more my unrest moments and know how to deal with this. Eli is a pleasant and very knowledgeable man who brings something that can not be described. Stability, peace and confidence, that’s how I left the room.”
A lot of energy release and felt very relieved
“Dear Eli,
thank you so much for the very special treatment! After deep listening to my story, you knew and felt exactly what I needed and where my blockages were. There was a lot of energy release and felt very relieved afterwards. Thank you again for this beautiful experience! ”
I’ve been struggling with severe migraines for 30 years
I’ve been struggling with severe migraines for 30 “Dear Eliyahu, I would like to thank you for the devoted and sensitive treatment that you’ve given all of us (my daughter, my husband and me). We all feel significantly better with our lives since the treatment. Especially me, who suffered from severe migraines for 30 years in a way that interfered with my daily life. Ever since the second treatment you could say that the pain has vanished and life is wonderful. My daughter, who also suffered from terrible headaches, feels great after the treatments. I recommend to anyone reading this lines, and in general anyone I know, who carries a problem with no explanation or cure, to visit you for a liberating treatment. I thank you wholeheartedly for everything.
The body is floating. Liberated. Free
“Wow!!!! I don’t know how to explain. I have no words. Only sensations. The body is floating. Liberated. Free. The shoulders don’t hurt. Although I cried a lot, I am not exhausted. I do feel excited. Connected. Loved. Loving. I was crying. Screaming. Breathing. Getting mad. Pounding. I fell apart. Reconnected. I was in pain. I hated. I loved. I got emotional. I met. I met myself. I met myself as the little girl that I was. I felt sorry for her. I loved her. I walked hand in hand with her. Like a big, loving, guarding sister. With a lot of love. And a lot of closeness. With great, pleasant warmth that passed between us. Great, pleasant warmth that embraced us. I could say to her “I love you! I love you!!!” And now I say to her – Let’s go with courage. Let’s go as heroes. Let’s go with health. Let’s go to the end. With no fear. We are here together, strong and brave. We will live. Be happy, go crazy over my husband and the kids, go for it, be ourselves, let everything we have bottled up inside of us out in the open. Give ourselves love, plenty of it, because we deserve it!!!! M.”
rediscovered my sexuality
I wanted to write here and just tell what happened to me.
I came to Eliyahu because I felt blocked, disconnected from my body and my emotions.
Despite longtime psychological therapy, and even though I know I can analyze and understand situations, I was disconnected from my emotions and from my body.
Let’s start by saying that I am a big skeptic and don’t believe in anything (I was going to say: “I don’t believe in anything other than gravity”, but for most of its years humanity didn’t see or believe in gravity).
I came to Eli for just one treatment, I didn’t really feel too much during the session, and not even after.
But now, one year later, I’m in a completely different place. I went back to doing my passion in life, rediscovered my sexuality, and got rid of the feelings of guilt that accompanied me since forever. My body feels different, soft and flowing. I’m not longer afraid of anything.
I won’t say that the single session with Eli is all that caused the change, but it’s definitely probable that the treatment opened up, or helped me open up many blocks, and in turn allow for change.
Clear knowledge that I am protected and loved
Dear Eliyahu!
I wanted to thank you for the powerful experience I went through with your help. It’s been several days since my energetic washout and every day I feel how the process becomes more and more embedded in me and becomes a part of me.
The treatment itself was a fascinating journey into my own self, and afterwards I felt as if I lost 10kg of patterns that I knew were not helping me, but that I didn’t know how to get rid of.
I am a person with self-awareness, and I did a lot of work with myself for a long time, and during the treatment things were just flowing out so powerfully, and I felt all the guilt, self-deprecation, shame, regret, and other things I can’t find words for but that sat heavy on my soul, all leaving me.
It was an experience of spiritual elation and physical release, it was exhilarating.
The day after the treatment I was able to see certain situations in my life from a different perspective, and make choices and decisions not from a place of suffering, victimhood and guilt that never lead to good things, but from a place of strength and with clear knowledge that I am protected and loved, that I have a choice and that that path I choose will lead me exactly where I need to be and in a way that I can embrace the process, and that all of the options standing before me are good and helpful for me.
I couldn’t ask for a more attentive, accepting and aware therapist to guide me through the process and envelope me with so much caring.
The confidence you gave me, that I can let everything out with you and there’s no judgement or criticism from your direction, allowed me to truly let go of all this extra baggage I’ve been carrying on my shoulders for so long.
I thank you, and am definitely coming back for the rest of the process
I thought my heart can’t feel and fall in love
Hi Eliyahu, I went through a very powerful experience in your clinic, I felt that the negativity and poison in my body flushed out and my body suddenly works better. I especially felt my heart throughout the treatment and after, as if it works again and is able to feel. During the treatment I felt like butterflies were coming up from my belly to my heart the same as when you fall in love, and this is a feeling I haven’t felt in years, I thought my heart can’t feel and fall in love, and everything is working like a machine…
My body still hurts in some places but it’s not a bothersome pain, I accept it.
I would love to come back for another treatment and to continue with the Bach flowers…
Thank you for a wonderful and liberating experience, for the warmth and your listening. I felt at home.
Have a lovely weekend.
Coping better with mental stress and work pressures
My name is Amnon and I am a freelancer. I reached Eliyahu in my 50s, after the heavy stress and my job’s demanding character started to show on me physically. At first I suffered from sleep disorders by waking up too early, and then from muscle cramps. Eliyahu started working with me on different relaxation techniques. Along with the real physical relief, with time I managed to adopt habits of linger and slower breathing, which significantly helps in times of stress and my job’s continuous pressure situations. The treatments by Eliyahu significantly lessened my muscle pain and allowed me to sleep longer, as well as cope better with mental stress and work pressures.
Amnon, 56, Haifa
I know how to accept myself
Several months of emotional, touching, “rambling” and empowering sessions and treatments together with Bach flower remedies.
I started out with difficult feelings and anxieties about life, money, work, and more…
The process was slow, but every session was full of compassion, examination in order to reach maximal accuracy both in the energy washout treatment and the Bach flowers remedies.
Today, several months later, I feel like I’m in a new place, more accurate and knowledgeable – what is and isn’t, how to ask better questions, how to accept myself and how to start trusting the universe and understand what I want to bring into it.
I recommend every single person as a crossroad in their life, restless about any aspect of their lives…
I feel like I’ve won
Thank you, dear Eliyahu (:
I suffered from daily migraines
It’s been quite a while since my treatment, but I’ve been feeling for a long time now that I have to write to you to thank you.
I came to you with a broken and bleeding heart after many emotional turbulences, and to try to get rid of the migraines I’ve been suffering from for years.
You welcomed me with a smile, ready to listen and with lots of patience. Throughout the treatment I felt tingling and some pain in the places you put pressure on, but the pain was liberating.
At the end of the treatment and afterwards I felt like the rust was washed off my body, and my joy was returning to me. I felt like you blew on the ember in my heart and it is slowly starting to burn again.
I can finally open my heart again, and the migraines have improved so significantly it’s like they were never there.
Beyond that, I’d like to thank you for existing and I feel that what you do is a kind of mission. You have an enormous heart and soul and right from the start I felt that you do what you do with a great passion and will to help others.
Many thanks again,
And I’m sure we’ll meet again in the future.
Effective treatment for headaches
Dear Eliyahu,
I came to you with one problem, and got a solution for two!
My headaches have bothered me for years, getting longer, stronger and more frequent.
Painkillers stopped working.
And then luckily I mer you.
Right away I got a good feeling of professionalism from you.
I didn’t really understand how you do it, but honestly, it doesn’t really matter.
On our first session you did a thorough and detailed examination, and another problem came up – difficulty falling asleep.
We had a few sessions in your calming clinic.
I felt like I was in good hands the whole way!
And indeed after several sessions, there was a drastic improvement in headaches and in falling asleep.
The improvement in my quality of life is wonderful, and for that I am grateful to you.
I highly recommend Eliyahu Sapir!!!
Limor, Ramat Ha’Sharon
After a few sessions my migraines disappeared!
Eliyahu Sapir – you came to me like Elijah the prophet.
They say that a person needs a spiritual mentor – a therapist. The universe will provide them, and they just need to keep their eyes peeled for them!
I came to you after looking up Dr. Nader Butto, I looked for emotional therapy for unexplained dizzy spells.
From the first session you had a questionnaire through which you recognized unresolved incidents in my life, as well as energy washout and touch therapy!
You helped me get in touch with myself, to dig around and emotionally express the things I repressed unknowingly.
After a few sessions my migraines disappeared! The dizzy spells reduced in frequency! With your help, I feel so much better and happier.
I know we will meet again in the future, and now I need time to process!
To me, you are not just Eli, but the spiritual Elijah.
I had a stammer for as long as I can remember
Dear Eliyahu Sapir, I wanted to thank you for your dedication to treating me. I came to you through my father who is himself a Shiatsu and alternative medicine practitioner. At first I was actually skeptical, but I came with an open mind and eventually a lot of good came out of it – I had a stammer for as long as I can remember, I came to be treated by you and it improved significantly – you may say it even went away due to the energetic washout, the dedicated treatment, caring, and interest from you. Thank you so much, dear friend!
The treatment was something i didn’t expect!
Before the treatment started we talked about different years in my life!
During our talk you showed compassion and it felled like you understood me!
I didn’t know what to expect of the treatment, because it was my first time, but i felt at ease.
The treatment was something i didn’t expect!
My body reacted as if all my bad energy wantend to come out and it felt like it did.
I also had too crie! It was reliefing.
You have giving me hope in a life full of blockage
You are a master a true guru of your craft
thank you, thank you …I cannot wait to see you again and again,and again
Anim,49 , canada
I felt very relieved
I was able to cry after 12 years of no tears
“Dear Eliyahu! Thank you for the attention, sensitivity and powerful treatment you have given me. I am still not sure of it’s effects, but I’m already happy and grateful for all the pain that left my body, I was able to cry after 12 years of no tears! I feel more liberated, calm, at peace, comfortable, made up and collected, loving and close to the little girl within me. Waiting for whatever life may bring my way with great curiosity and optimism. Lots of brightness and love,
I’ve been sick with cancer these past 5 years
I’ve been sick with cancer these past 5 years
I turned to Eliyahu Sapir for physical and mental support.
I’d like to take the opportunity to express how grateful and appreciative I am of Eliyahu, for the devoted, professional and most of all – human care I got during our sessions.
The ability to identify my unique sensitivities helped me deal with struggles I wasn’t even aware of, all through listening, personal connection and guidance. I felt like I was exposed to more things that were hidden within me and were messing with my day to day life from time to time.
This made me a lot stronger, and with it came also physical exercises to help the flow of energy in my body and better breathing that I have also practiced at home.
Eliyahu provided me with drops concocted by him, which I saw to be of high importance.
There’s no doubt that the connection between the body and soul is highly important, and it’s something Eliyahu knows how to do perfectly.
I found him to not only be a healer, but also a friend I could trust and open up to.
The conventional medical treatment and Eliyahu’s treatment went well hand in hand.
I am grateful for everything he’s done.
I’m not afraid of going to unfamiliar places
Dear Eli,
I came to you through a recommendation from a friend,
I came to you after trying several methods of treatment, but eventually the fear made me feel stuck and prevented me from living my life peacefully.
One of the fears was a fear of making mistakes, in unfamiliar roads to me.
For example: when I had to drive somewhere unknown, even though I had Waze with directions, I needed to prepare myself mentally before arriving at an unknown city, and I’d always join a friend or have a friend join me. I never dared to leave the city on my own.
Same goes to my personal life, I’d only do things I was sure of, 100% sure.
It has limited me and delayed me from actualizing things.
As I said, I came to you through a recommendation from a friend, I wasn’t familiar with your treatment methods, yet after seeing the changes my friend has gone through with you I decided to give in. You’ve greeted me well with a smile, no judgement, no criticism and professionally, which is what helped me open up and let go.
I don’t know how things work with your method, but I believed in you!!
My reality has changed.
On the first time, my friend drove to your clinic, and on that same week I’ve had the insurance company cover a second driver for my car. On the second time I gathered the courage to drive with her beside me (the insurance covered her replacing me in driving if I couldn’t drive myself) and honestly, there was no need for that.
On the third time, I arrived to you on my own, and continued to do so from that day on.
It may sound so simple but it was a frustrating burden for me to be dependent on others.
Not only am I driving out of the city alone these days, which helps me visit my children who live outside of town without being dependent on another person, but I also became more spontaneous, light hearted, and felt positive energy flowing in my life.
I keep saying that I don’t understand your methods, but it doesn’t even matter to me at this point. What matters is that my reality as of today looks completely different.
I’m not afraid of going to unfamiliar places, and I’m not afraid to execute the things I want to do. I’ve stepped far away from the words “afraid” and “stuck”, because these days I am confident and going with the flow.
Thank you so much,
Glad I came to you, and glad I have more of me to myself.
I highly recommend anyone who’s looking to make a change in their life to visit you.
The body is levitating. It is liberated. It is free
I don’t know how to explain. I have no words. Only sensations. The body is floating. Liberated. Free. The shoulders don’t hurt. Although I cried a lot, I am not exhausted. I do feel excited. Connected. Loved. Loving.
I was crying. Screaming. Breathing. Getting mad. Pounding. I fell apart. Reconnected. I was in pain. I hated. I loved. I got emotional. I met. I met myself. I met myself as the little girl that I was. I felt sorry for her. I loved her. I walked hand in hand with her. Like a big, loving, guarding sister. With a lot of love. And a lot of closeness. With great, pleasant warmth that passed between us. Great, pleasant warmth that embraced us. I could say to her “I love you! I love you!!!” And now I say to her – Let’s go with courage. Let’s go as heroes. Let’s go with health. Let’s go to the end. With no fear. We are here together, strong and brave.
We will live. Be happy, go crazy over my husband and the kids, go for it, be ourselves, let everything we have bottled up inside of us out in the open.
Give ourselves love, plenty of it, because we deserve it!!!!
I was in complete peace, I don’t know what he did
I was in complete peace, I don’t know what he did
After chemotherapy I felt like my body and soul need a serious, comforting deep cleanse, to rid me of all the gunk, and I searched and searched and found the perfect man for the job.
He was accurate in our conversation and precisely understanding me, he provided the perfect way to treat me. Everything that I’ve been bottling up inside, that was bothering and burdening me, was completely out in the open within our first conversation, and later on during the method he used in his treatment. I was in complete peace, I don’t know what he did but I felt that everything was flowing out of my body. The heart was at ease. After a few sessions and using some bach flower remedies at home, followed by proper advice, I knew I reached my goal with a heart and soul that are open and calm. Huge thanks to the man who helped me.
Since our meeting I’ve been feeling stronger and more energetic
About a month ago I went through a one-of-a-kind experience, after struggling with some hardships I turned to Eliyahu Sapir, and honestly – I had no idea what the treatment was like. I was pleasantly surprised by the sensitivity, seriousness and professionalism. I’d like to thank Eliyahu Sapir, some time has passed since then and I feel the improvement every single day. I must state that I lead groups who underwent bereavement and since our meeting I’ve been feeling stronger and more energetic and able to do better. I sincerely recommend giving yourself the gift of this treatment. I already gifted this treatment to many of my close friends.
Miriam Kenler, Ra’anana
I felt like a blind man, able to see again
I feel like there’s not enough room to contain all the greatness within the amazing person, Eliyahu Sapir.
A man with a huge, warm, understanding and healing heart.
I came to see Eliyahu in the midst of a mental crisis, not expecting too much. But I was happily surprised. A different kind of treatment method that’s hard to explain with words.
After the energetic washout I felt disconnected, like I was flying. I felt like a blind man who could see again.
The calm, peace and hope that Eliyahu has given me – are priceless to me.
There’s absolutely no doubt that I will visit Eliyahu’s warm clinic again in the future.
And one short, sincere word – Thanks.
I didn’t know what it felt like to sleep well for over 5 years
Hi, I came to you with sleeping problems. I couldn’t fall asleep at night, it’d take me too long.
I was under a lot of stress and couldn’t relax at all.
I came to you, Eliyahu Sapir, and to be honest – I was skeptic about the treatment. It’s been over 5 years since I’ve felt what it was like to sleep well at night, be happy, be free and enjoy doing nothing, it’s something I couldn’t do and I would avoid taking long vacations because I was very uptight.
When I arrived at your clinic for a washout, after the first treatment I realized that this was the right way for me, I felt my body was shaking, I laughed and I cried, but not the way I’m used to, in a more liberating way..
After your treatment I was relieved and my sleep has become better.
Following the treatment I was given bach flower drops from you that made me feel better. A few days later you added some other flowers to the drops and ever since I’ve been feeling calm and at peace. What I have forgotten from so many years ago, I suddenly started enjoying the freedom and seeing how beautiful life is and that we should enjoy every moment of it. My mood was lifted and my appetite returned, I’m more calm around my family and I enjoy vacations with them like I haven’t in a long time.
I’d like to tell you, Eliyahu, that you are a very kind person, willing to help sincerely because you really care. You are a sensitive person and fun to talk to. I’d like to thank you sincerely once more, you are a very special person. I highly and deeply recommend anyone who has a problem, not knowing which doctor to turn to, to visit this place because you are a special person. Thank you so much.
Grasp the opportunity with both hands and let him help you
“Eli is a true healer – with a range of therapies, skills and competencies that elevates his treatments to many levels above other therapists. There is something truly special about this man that you sense in his calm demeanor the minute you meet him. He is someone who truly cares about the special needs of every client – and who has an innate sense of the type of treatment or therapy each client requires. I cannot recommend him highly enough. If you are fortunate enough to be within the aura of this kind and wonderful human being, grasp the opportunity with both hands and let him help you.” Service Category: Coaching, Healing, Therapist Year first hired: 2013 (hired more than once) Top Qualities: Great Results, Expert, High Integrity
richard kohn
managing director,cepd ctp bv netherland
A feeling that I am in a bigger womb than the one from which I came
I came very excited to my therapy session. I didn’t exactly know what’s going to happen, but I did know, is that my desire to become free can only take me so far if I do not trust the experience. I first had a conversation with Eliyahu, during which he identified the bonds and significant experiences through which I lived, and thus pinpointed the points which I would want to address during the treatment. The treatment itself is another experience entirely. Very powerful. I felt as if the body is shaking away experiences, memories, fears, and old pains. Without any control on my end. But with a full and firm control on Eliyahu’s. Afterwards, while my body is still shaking, I felt an immense flow enter my body, through the palms of my hands, which then spread to the rest of my body. Eliyahu explained this to me, and reassured me, so that I will not fear the process and we could continue. It has been five hours after the therapy. All feelings of future, past, for and against – all were but gone. Only tranquility and resilience remained. An inner peace. Only the breathing. A feeling as if I am in a bigger womb than the one from which I came.
I cried, and laughed, and saw all my life passing before my eyes
Hi Eliyahu, It was an incredible treatment, one that I didn’t experience the like of anywhere else. Although I came prepared, after reading Nader Boto’s fascinating book, I still needed to release some leftovers, and let you do what you do for quite a few years now. True, it requires the patient to become fully immersed in the experience, but for the effectiveness of the treatment, I was willing to take that ‘risk’. I cried, and laughed, and saw all my life passing before my eyes, and could see my blissful future. After an hour and a half, I felt relieved, with a better energy flow, and a feeling of joy mixed with optimism that will accompany me for life. I highly recommend this treatment to everyone I know.
I feel like I’m going through a change that has only began, and will continue
I’ve decided to tell about my personal experience, so that other may benefit from this knowledge. Over the last 6 years, I’ve been suffering from an allergy that had suddenly appeared – just like that. I manifested in the form of a rash and a terrible itching all over my body. The allergy would appear each year from spring till winter, and sometimes would even go on beyond that period. I’ve consulted every possible medical specialist, and nothing helped. For over a year, I tried acupuncture treatment from one of Israel’s best experts, and that didn’t help either. The physical discomfort was horrible, making me feel borderline disabled, although I pushed myself through the pain to try and carry on with my daily life. I reached Eliyahu Sapir through a recommendation from a friend, who heard about him from her friends, who had experience with his methods. When I came to him for the first time, I explained to him that I don’t have much expectations of him, And that I’m trying this out because I have nothing to lose. He simply smiled and said nothing. I must say, that after the first session, the allergy was all but gone!!! But in addition to that, during the therapy, I’ve experienced a complex emotional experience, which I apparently did not let go, Blockades of which I did not know. Or, Like Eliyahu said, I went through an energetic wash out. I used to be an energetic, optimistic type But ever since the therapy, everything just got more powerful Full of joy for life, but also In peace of mind, capable to listen to my now-sharpened senses and intuition. Now, I feel like using every moment of life to the fullest And not to miss a thing. I know it sounds Strange, but it’s just like that for me In my personal experience. I feel like I went through a major change that is just beginning, and that what I tell will help others too.
Your treatment is both physical and mental
Dear Eli,
When I was told what your treatment would do, I was sceptical at first. But every word was true. It made me become aware of old convictions and obstacles in my life and my body. You are a master in letting go of all that old pain and grief and I can thank you enough for giving me this insight. Your treatment is both physical and mental so good for body and mind. I recommend others to this great experience. By Eli you are in good hands.
lots of love
I felt loved, comfortable, accepted, safe
“Hi Eliyahu,
I can’t find enough words to describe the thing I felt yesterday… I think that the word “enlightenment” is a grand word that feels a bit cheap, so I take caution not to use it. Another word I can think of is catharsis, a spiritual-conscious-physical experience of purification, cleansing, liberation and deep vent. I felt connected – to myself, to the truth, to light, to the origin, to infinity.. I felt happiness – true, refined, pure due to pure presence, pure being. I felt loved, comfortable, accepted, safe. I can tell you that this morning I feel like I’m floating. A sort of pleasant lightness and and deep peace due to the understanding that there is so much beyond the “physical reality” (or the one we describe as such). Thank you so much, you treat with divine grace. See you again soon Chen”
Gave me hope and a glance at a better future
“I came to see Eliyahu after reading a recommendation about him through Dr. Nader Boto’s Facebook page. At the time I was in a point of stress, ocd, trauma and anxiety from the past. He treated me with an energetic washout, and bach flower remedies. The energetic washout was powerful at first, I was trembling and my muscles cramped as the traumatic negative energy left my body. The treatment also helped me with guided imagery, gave me hope and a glance at a better future, which was too difficult to imagine on my own. Now I can relieve myself on my own anytime I feel down. I highly recommend visiting Eliyahu because of his warmth, love and care, he truly wants to help, he’s very kind and calming. I can see and feel the sincerity in his will to help, which is something I highly value with a therapist. Y.”
I’ve been searching for a cure for a long time
“Good week, Eliyahu.
For a long time I’ve been searching for a cure, a solution, an answer to indigestion I’ve suffered from. I’ve went to doctors, got tests done on me, tried different medications, attended meetings, drank teas and infusions until I almost gave up. During my search I’ve heard of Dr. Nader Boto, and a treatment called “Energetic washout”. I then met Eliyahu Sapir, Dr. Nader Boto’s student. In the last few months after a few sessions I’ve been experiencing changes that started out small, working it’s way to restore my digestive system to proper functioning. Tip-toeing, I am thrilled and excited with every sign of progress. Marvel, miracle, faith, Eliyahu you are talented, attentive and encouraging. Thank you so much.
I felt like I’ve said goodbye to a huge part of me that was a burden on my life
“Treatment with Eli Sapir It was amazing, powerful, I felt like I’ve said goodbye to a huge part of me that was a burden on my life. After the treatment I feel light, little and calm. I breathe better, and I see better.
Layers of fear, sadness and frustration – were gone
Dear Eliyahu,
First of all, thank you. I came to you through a recommendation from a friend – I’ve never gone through emotional therapy in my life, and other than the television program and Nader Butto’s part about emotional therapy that I saw once I was never really familiar with that world.
Throughout the last 20 years I did go through psychological treatment, I understood my thought processes and coping strategies and improves my ability to solve some conflicts in my life. I read books about spirituality and attended wonderful workshops. I came to you as a relatively self-aware person.
After the first session which was very powerful, I felt a feeling I didn’t have before, and I felt that layer after layer of fears and blocks left my body. It’s like you completely shook them off of my life.
It’s completely different from understanding mental processes. I described the feeling to a close friend as if its 20 years of therapy in one session.
I walked around feeling light and happy, with courage, an ability to feel more natural around other people. I felt wonderful… and I knew, in the same way I know the sun rises, that my body went through great healing! I am a relatively happy and strong person – and after the treatment I felt that the layers that were underneath all of that happiness – layers of fear, sadness and frustration – were gone.
I still had doubts and worried about certain steps I wanted to take in my life, but the strong feelings of fear I had about them before the treatment reduced significantly after the session. Today, about a month after the session with you, I made a significant leap in my life and in my personal career, and I am so grateful to you for it! I feel like in the personal aspect as well, a lot of my fears disappeared and I feel so peaceful, I have a calm and stable feeling of inner security.
Thank you for this wonderful gift!
I have already recommended you to some of my close friends, and I think whoever comes to you has so much to gain from you!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, you’ve helped me so much
After just a few sessions, I can see the change in my child
“Writing just a few words won’t be nearly enough to describe a person as special as you, Eliyahu Sapir.. A man with a huge soul, sensitive, attentive and caring, Gives personal treatment to every patient Accurate diagnosis and treatment with amazing results Each person must go through a special treatment like that And for that I’d like to greatly thank you I want to tell all the mothers, that the education system doesn’t help and clinics only solve the problems with medication or send the children to get diagnosed by special doctors with months waiting time.. And you can’t help a child with emotional problems, attention problems or ADHD. Yes, with Eliyahu you will find the solution. Here you will find a man with a soul, a sensitive man that no child can’t connect to a heart his size. The most important thing is the amazing results after just a few sessions, you can definitely see the changes in the child, lots of light and hope, the confidence.. All of it was back only thanks to you. Thank you once again for everything.
A Fearless Skeptic
I wanted to use this platform to write down what happened to me. I came to Eliyahu because I felt like I was stuck, disconnected from my body and my emotions. Despite going through long therapy sessions, despite the fact that I know how to analyze and be aware of different scenarios, I couldn’t put my finger on how to solve this disconnect. I should mention that I am a big skeptic and don’t really believe in anything (I wanted to say that I believe in nothing but Gravity, but for the majority of human existence no one believed in it). I wasn’t feeling a big change after my first session with Eliyahu, and not shortly after. But over a year later, I’m at a totally different place. I went back to my beloved profession (which I believe is a big part of what I was destined to do on this earth), rediscovered my sexuality, and let go of my feelings of guilt which have persistently accompanied me for as long as I can remember. My body feels different, far less tense, and more at ease. And I’m not scared anymore, of anything at all. I won’t say that going to Eliyahu was the only thing that made this change, but it is likely that it opened some gaps and blockages which allowed this change to take place.
powerful experience
Dear Eliyahu,
I wanted to thank you for the powerful experience you gave me. It’s been a few days since my energetic wash, and I can sense how this process continues to deepen inside of me every single day. Our sessions themselves were a fascinating journey towards my inner self, which made me feel like I have lost 10 Kg of negative patterns and behaviours, that even though I knew were harmful, couldn’t get rid of myself. I’m a self-aware person and have done a lot of self-work for a long period of time, and during our sessions things just got released and let go in an incredibly powerful way that I have never experienced before. I felt how I’m freeing myself of guilt, doubt, shame, regret, and other emotions that I’m not even sure how to categorize, who were weighting on me. It was a spiritually uplifting, tension relieving and deeply moving experience. After the very first day I could see different situations in my life in whole new perspectives, and to make decisions and choices not from a place of victimhood and guilt (which never lead to anything good), but from a powerful place, knowing that I’m protected and loved, that I have a choice and a say when it comes to my life, and that the path I choose to walk on will lead me exactly where I need to be, as I have to take control of the process and the choices That will benefit me. I Couldn’t have asked for a better, more attentive, compassionate, or aware person then you to walk me through this process and cover me with compassion and kindness. The way you allowed me to confide in you with no judgment or criticism have allowed me to truly let go of this useless burden I was carrying on my shoulders for so long. I thank you and I’m looking forward to the rest of our journey 🙂
My Fear of Driving
I came to you because of a suffocating fear that took over me every time I put my hands on the wheel. Driving is a crucial aspect of my job and therefore my life, and because of that I did everything I could to forget about this one accident that have caused this fear. No matter how much I tried, I couldn’t do it all by myself. Someone recommended me to try and release my energetic blockages, which led me to you… with your warm and pleasant attitude, you gave me the confidence I needed to know that everything is going to be okay, and that together, we will succeed. “It’s important that you take a deep breath every time the pain occurs”, you added, “for you to acknowledge the pain and let it go “. I also had issues regarding concentration, tiredness and stress deriving from a stressful lifestyle (which added to my feeling of being unsafe on the road), and continuous joint pains that were getting worse and worse the more I drove. I was curious and excited about our first session. I didn’t know what to expect. But from the very beginning, I felt like my body is giving in to your therapeutic touch. I felt safe while you were tracking down the exact spots which caused me pain and taught me how to breath in a healthy way. It may sound like I was suffering, but my body dealt with it as I felt how my pain and stress are gradually decreasing. Then came the second session, after which I felt even more confident on the road, and even called you a magician J. I want to add that the treatment with Bach flowers which you stand by, was of great help during our first sessions and made me feel safe, but that the personalized Bach flowers for my tiredness and concentrating issues were not as effective to me personally. Thank you so much for all of your help, and I will continue to come for sessions and recommend your emotional healing sessions.
Michal, 42. Poleg
my womb starting to move
Dear Eliyahu,
I wanted to thank you, first and foremost, for who you are. I began to tear up from the very first moment I sat across from you because I felt unconditional love and support in your presence, which allowed me to be myself and deal with my biggest obstacles. You were completely there for me, while being incredibly precise, accurate and loving. For a while I have tried to conceive and wasn’t able to do so, feeling like my womb was unavailable for it, but after experiencing your energetic wash, I felt the energy in my womb starting to move, and shortly after became pregnant! Thank you my dear and lovely Eliyahu
I Was Sexually Abused
I would like to share a traumatic experience that happened to me when I was a little girl. When I was around 4 or 5, a stranger sexually abused me. It ended quickly, but it scarred me for life. This scar stayed with me for years and years. I kept this secret with a feeling of hopelessness and shame. I went through psychological treatment and brought it up, as I thought that talking about it could help me heal. I even shared this traumatic experience with my partner, which also helped a bit. Then I got divorced (for other reasons of course) and went to therapy again, in which this trauma was identified as a crucial factor negatively affecting many aspects of my personal and romantic life, among them not being able to give birth, even though there was no identifiable physiological problem. I came to Eliyahu to in order to release my body from tension, and aided by his incredible intuition and compassion, I shared my traumatic past with him. Eliyahu led our session peacefully and gently and made me feel like I want to release this trauma that was burdening my life, to free myself from this lump that suffocated my life and my body. I wanted to share my story because I know there are thousands of women (and more than a few men) that have shared similar experiences, and that the trauma derived from it plays a big role in their lives, while stopping them from reaching their full potential (in my case even the ability to give birth). I want all of you to look in the mirror and say enough!!! I deserve a full life, free of the shadows that are trying to contaminate them, to live in the light, be at peace with my body and soul, and in some cases become a parent. I want to Thank you Eliyahu Sapir and to my inner child that said enough!!! I can live my life, I’m the one who decides who I am and who I can be, And I always choose new love, decisions, and beginnings.
guidance and care
Dear Eliyahu,
We came to you while being in the darkest place that we have ever been in, feeling that we as parents could not help our son anymore, who suffers from a difficult and persistent disease that have brought complex mental problems, a low self-esteem, social issues and more… after years and years of going to Psychologists, Psychiatrists, and social workers, we were obviously very skeptic when we were told about you. How could we not be after all these years? But from our very first introductory conversation, we saw how gentle and understanding you are, which made us decide to go for it, and believe that it just might work 🙂
That’s when the magic started to happen. You and our son met, and a great bond was formed from the very first session. He thoroughly enjoyed your conversation and couldn’t wait for the next time he’ll get to talk to you again. The decision to extend this bond into multiple sessions has been so right for him, and today, I’m proud to say with tears of joy in my eyes, that our son is in a whole other place!!! He is so much Happier, calmer, more confident and perhaps most importantly, was told by his doctors that he can get off those meds he took for years and years!!!
Dear Eliyahu, you are not only an amazing human being, but your guidance and care quite literally saved our son, and no words could ever capture our sense of gratitude towards you ♥️♥️♥️
A Few Years of Psychoanalysis
Just two sessions with Eliyahu Sapir have almost miraculously released blockages and residual feelings that were buried deep down inside of me, ones that affected my happiness and spontaneity. In my humble opinion, this deeply meaningful change in my well-being, peacefulness and happiness is on par with a few years of professional Psychoanalysis treatment, and perhaps even more. It is Highly recommended, a gift that everyone should give themselves. Eliyahu has incredible intuition, a wonderfully warm attitude, and a kind heart, while of course being highly professional.
Thank you J
I discovered that I’m pregnant
I came to Eliyahu for the first time almost 4 years ago…
A woman suffering from Crohn’s disease and Fibromyalgia, with tremendous will and ambition to find herself in this world, and to finally conceive a daughter after giving birth to two boys. I arrived at Eliyahu’s clinic filled with doubts, fears, and energetic blockages, with my confidence being at an all-time low… But with the help of a magical and tension releasing treatment which incorporates deep conversations, Bach flowers, therapeutic touch and breathing exercises (who knew there was even such a thing as proper and healthy breathing?) I have experienced visions deeply derived from my strong intuition about giving birth, and about how this pregnancy will lead me forward in my path…
Looking back, it is very clear to me that it was Eliyahu who helped plant the seeds who blossomed into the person I am today, and lead me to the path I chose to walk on…
Our sessions only stopped when I discovered that I’m pregnant (My lovely daughter is 3 years old today), and I have also learned NLP and became an alternative medicine therapist myself…
Eliyahu is peaceful, loving, attentive and non-judgmental, while of course being extremely precise and professional…
Years and years of ordinary Therapy sessions by multiple Psychologists have never made such a tremendous positive impact on my way of life and feelings as Eliyahu did, and for that I will always be grateful and remember our positive and empowering sessions very fondly…
I can’t recommend him enough!!!
As a cancer survivor
Hi Eliyahu,
I’ve come to see you with the recommendation of a friend in order to relieve stress and start a process of healing for my soul.
As a past cancer survivor, I found it important to treat my soul and body with something like an energetic washout as part of the deep healing process.
I never imagined that right after the first treatment I’d feel a huge impact like this and be liberated beyond my expectations.
I don’t know if I can put into words the experience I’ve had, I was excited, emotional and free.
You’ve allowed me, in a professional and sensitive way, to connect with my soul deeply and everything I was too scared to do, and not be afraid to look inside and love who I am today and who I was in any stage of my life.
I’d like to thank you for the patience, sensitivity and care,
I’m glad I came to you and got to know you and your treatment methods.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I was very relieved and full of energy
Dear Eli,
It has been a great experience to be treated by you. During the intake you made me feel comfortabele and we discussed the energy treatment.
During the massage I felt as I was leaving my body. I noticed my self as I was a bystander.
I also experienced a very clear picture of an ancient warrior.
I do not know what it meant but I felt very relieved. At the end of the treatment I was very cold and I needed a lot of blankets to get warm again. Afterwards I was very relieved and full of energy. It felt as if my energychannels were clear again.
I can recommend Eli as he is a sincere person with healing capacities.
I never felt the compassion for myself
Since the treatment I’m very much aware of of breathing and increasing passion in life again.
It has to do with feeling worthy, and loving yourself.
In my work as a photographer it’s all about compassion for others. But I never felt the compassion for myself 🙂
The breathing part might be a karma thing. In a hypnose I saw myself as a jewish girl in a camp with her mother. She was 4 years old. She was not allowed to live.
I’m ready for life:-) Thanks Eli!
sara, 49, holland
I now am aware of my uncertainty
I now am aware of my uncertainty. I was busy with something I wasn’t aware.
I was holding my breathe in situations, and I don’t know why. I just stop. and hold.
The border is something what seems to be repeating and I don’t know the cause.
I have goals and on the way I meet people and on one way or another in the past they tried to claim. But I’m already a lot further and the border is there, somehow I feel that.
It is for me important and better that someone gives me that, like you did by saying. It helped me.
And some people, I don’t need them. That’s for sure.
sandra, 30 , holland
‘I’ve had an extraordinary experience with Life in the most perfect way.
Through the conversation with Eliyahu at the beginning of the session, I was able to see life with new eyes.
He is able to show the essence in life with words, but also without words. He pass across the energy of the divine.
I keep feeling the calmness and happiness
Dear Eliyahu
I had a great experience during your treatment, but afterwords it have been even better!
Unfortunately I cannot feel the prickling sensation in my whole body again,
but I keep feeling the calmness and happiness that I have during your treatment. Thank you!!!
m, 29 holland
I am good the way i am
Dear Eli,
With your treatment you really did help me to let go of a lot of emotional ballast what makes that i left so much weight behind and created more space inside myself.
It brought me back to my true self. Even to that little girl inside that makes me happy and let me enjoy life again.
I sleep so much better, enjoy life and make decisions so i look after myself much better. Now i can say :
I am good the way i am and love myself !!!
Thank you very much , am real glad that i met you and your treatment !!!
warm greetings and big hug ,
saw all my life passing before my eyes.
Hi Eliyahu,
It was an incredible treatment, one that I didn’t experience the like of anywhere else. Although I came prepared, after reading Nader Boto’s fascinating book, I still needed to release some leftovers, and let you do what you do for quite a few years now.
True, it requires the patient to become fully immersed in the experience, but for the effectiveness of the treatment, I was willing to take that ‘risk’.
I cried, and laughed, and saw all my life passing before my eyes, and could see my blissful future.
After an hour and a half, I felt relieved, with a better energy flow, and a feeling of joy mixed with optimism that will accompany me for life.
I highly recommend this treatment to everyone I know.
Itching all over my body
I’ve decided to tell about my personal experience, so that other may benefit from this knowledge.
Over the last 6 years, I’ve been suffering from an allergy that had suddenly appeared – just like that.
I manifested in the form of a rash and a terrible itching all over my body.
The allergy would appear each year from spring till winter, and sometimes would even go on beyond that period.
I’ve consulted every possible medical specialist, and nothing helped.
For over a year, I tried acupuncture treatment from one of Israel’s best experts, and that didn’t help either.
The physical discomfort was horrible, making me feel borderline disabled, although I pushed myself through the pain to try and carry on with my daily life.
I reached Eliyahu Sapir through a recommendation from a friend, who heard about him from her friends, who had experience with his methods. When I came to him for the first time, I explained to him that I don’t have much expectations of him,
And that I’m trying this out because I have nothing to lose. He simply smiled and said nothing.
I must say, that after the first session, the allergy was all but gone!!!
But in addition to that, during the therapy, I’ve experienced a complex emotional experience, which I apparently did not let go,
Blockades of which I did not know.
Or, Like Eliyahu said, I went through an energetic wash out.
I used to be an energetic, optimistic type
But ever since the therapy, everything just got more powerful
Full of joy for life, but also
In peace of mind, capable to listen to my now-sharpened senses and intuition.
Now, I feel like using every moment of life to the fullest
And not to miss a thing. I know it sounds
Strange, but it’s just like that for me
In my personal experience.
I feel like I went through a major change that is just beginning, and that what I tell will help others too.
Fulfill my destiny in this life.
I came to Eliyahu following a recommendation from a friend, who achieved powerful results thanks to this therapy. All my life, I am in a constant development process, which significantly accelerated over the last few years.
I understood well that the purpose of this procedure is ultimately good – to create contact, love, and be excited, and I am not willing to ever give up these feelings.
This made it obligatory for me to feel absolutely everything, and touch deep wounds as well – ones that we are not always aware of, and are not always able to reach. It is hard, but without this, I would be hard to go on.
The therapy was amazing, and quite sensational.
Mind-wise, I know and understand what is required of me, but I couldn’t say the same about the body. There’s no doubt that the mind is also somewhat hindering, and does not allow full immersion into the experience.
When the therapy began, I felt myself merge in completely.
The processes itself and the body did not allow the mind to take over.
I felt a deep relief. I met my father, who passed away a year and a half ago. I thought, in my mind, that I had let go of all the pains and deep patterns related to him, but during the therapy session, I was finally able to truly release them, through my body.
I met the small girl that I once was.
The embrace and love that I experienced in this treatment granted me the belief that will allow me to continue and fulfill my destiny in this life.
At the end of the session, I could feel an intense energy flow throughout me, both on the physical and spiritual level.
A day after, I could still feel the process echoing inside me, and I could even manage to continue it on my own.
I went through a lot in my life, and I’m going through amazing processes. But without a doubt, Eliyahu’s treatment gave me a lot, both in the short term, and in the long term as well.
Eliyahu – pleasant, precise, enlightening, and powerful.
I thank him for his devotion and gift in the form of this incredible therapy.
Dalit Laufer
A therapist with deep intuitive sensitivity.
I came to Eliyahu after already visiting several therapists, and I had very few expectations.
The issued that needed to be addressed were emotional and deep.
I’ve been attending this therapy for 10 months, and after each session, I left in a completely different place, mentally, from the one I was in when I came.
And with each session, the inner change could be felt becoming more and more apparent…
Eliyahu treats people from a place of deep intuitive sensitivity, with full attention and presence.
He can spot fakes quickly – he knows how to attune the mind, and the attention, and knows exactly where are the correct energetic “taps” for that day, how to activate them, at what intensity, and precisely which extracts to mix.
I don’t know how he does it, but all of it combined together has an incredible effect.
Thanks to Eliyahu, I was finally able to advance to a new mental and emotional state.
A truly blessed therapist. I sincerely thank you, dear Eliyahu.
I recommend him from the bottom of my heart.
The thought that a male stranger will touch me
I’ve began Eliyahu’s therapy about a year ago. I began attending this therapy following recommendation from family members, who had undergone Eliyahu’s treatment as well. A year ago, I was happy and joyous – like I am today, but not quite the same. Before the first session with Eliyahu, the thought that a male stranger will touch me scared me, and continuous doubts about his dignity were always on my mind – which prevented me from opening and becoming more immersed in the therapy. Eliyahu’s loving and caring character, somewhat father-like even, helped me overcome my doubts and trust him fully right after the first session. This first session began with energetic wash out, during which I relaxed, shook, cried, and disconnected from all the things that I didn’t even know that were bothering and burdening me. Of course, I returned for another session, and eventually, the therapy became more about forward thinking and development, and less about dealing with the past. I felt that Eliyahu understands me, and knows what’s right for me. Together, we could point the finger on the things that prevented me from developing further, that stood in my way. Among those, was a lot of criticism I had, both towards myself, and my surroundings, pressure, and a constant desire to please others, which made me forget myself completely in most cases. Eliyahu gave me the instruments with which I could overcome the obstacles not only during therapy sessions, but also on my own, between sessions. I understand that I have great potential, which I failed to realize with way of conduct, and understood that I must embrace this potential. Of course, the fact that Eliyahu always gave me a feeling that he believes in me was very significant to me. I haven’t come to Eliyahu with a specific fear or problem, but rather, simply to improve myself and live life as best as I could. So, I am still happy and joyous as I was a year ago, but different – better (with, of course, room for more improvement)
Gil, 19
Had a lot of stress
I was recommended to Eliyahu Sapir by a good friend.three years ago. I was not doing very well at that moment. I had a lot of stress, a hernia and a mild form of a burn out. About Eli did his magical things With shaking the legs and arms. And mental coaching. He really helped me trough difficult times,
I recommend Eli with my whole heart.
I struggled with negative feelings
I came to Eli through a good friend. I heard very warm and good experiences. I came to him without expectations. Eli immediately gave me a good and warm impression.
I came for rebalancing because I was energy-free and through certain experiences I struggled with negative feelings.
During the treatment much energy was released because my whole body began to tickle and shaking. I felt a huge fear, but because of Eli’s trust, I could surrender to this feeling. During the session my head was empty while thoughts always went through my mind. I felt a lot of emotion but had no thoughts. My unconscious feelings came free and could leave my body. I have experienced this session very much. I had never felt my body so much and thought so little! I feel better after treatment. Certain situations can not affect me as before, which can keep in my energy and build up again.
I see the treatment as a big cleaning of negative energies that were stuck in my body. Thank you Eli for your warmth and trust that you gave me!
Feeling like a whole new woman
“I’ve found a wizard.
My wizard’s name is Eliyahu.
Every time, over and over, I can’t believe how much the treatment helps.
I always walk out of the clinic feeling 20 years younger.
No spells and no mumbles,
He’s a man that knows how to touch. Both body and soul.
A wizard with the sole purpose of restoring balance, wisdom, insight.
A wizard that helps release fears and break you free from the shackles of the past.
A wizard that makes any pain vanish with the touch of a hand.
In a clinic in Rishpon, before entering I’ve already felt like in a fairytale, like Alice.
The music does it’s thing, and no session ends without a hug, or begins without one.
I didn’t think of writing this. But this week, when I arrived at this magical place, it was on Sunday, and I was in severe pain. So severe, I had to get shots. No matter by whom or how.
An hour later, I came out, feeling like a whole new woman.
No pain. No pain whatsoever.
No pain? How could that be?
What happened within one hour?
Alright, I know I’m going to need surgery in just a moment.
My eighth one, need I remind you.
But for now, I gained my normal life back.
This wizard brews bach flower remedies, for any purpose. And I am calm.
For good night’s rest, for serenity, for happiness. Every patient gets a remedy that’s right for him and only him.
I know what you might be thinking. But I swear, it works.
I would bother writing about it otherwise.
I know that this time my body would be prepared for the ride.
And more important, my soul, that’s so scared.
This time I will not fall apart. This time will be different.
Can’t wait for next week’s session.
And I recommend it. I highly recommend it.
For the body. For the soul. For the positive energies.
For the energetic block that gets released more and more with every time.
For anything that’s good for you.
Do something unconventional for yourself.
You have to really connect to it. Come with an open mind.
Anyone who’s an anti – stay at home. I know many people like that. This is not the place for them. It’s their loss, and only theirs.
Cynics, stay at home.
But those who are willing to give it a chance…..
Try it, my dear friends.
Maximum, it’ll help you.
Thank you, dear wizard, for all the help, encouragement, kind words, guidance, and of course, a treatment like no other.
There’s no person on earth that doesn’t need this experience. I don’t believe it.
I am grateful for not choosing the easy path of anxiety pills
“My experience with the treatment.
After a period of anxiety and trouble sleeping, sleeping for 2 hours a day with sleeping pills.. After numerous psychological therapy sessions (that usually ended up being just conversational), I visited Eliyahu Sapir after getting recommendations about him.
To be honest, I was very skeptical. I arrived from sheer desperation. I realized that this would either help (and again.. I don’t believe in conventional treatments) or I’ll start taking anxiety medication with all of their side effects.
On the first session, that was a bit longer than the following ones, we were mostly talking so he could get to know me. I remember saying to myself ‘here we go, another therapy session under a different title..’
After we were done talking the treatment started. I was asked to loosen up, which was very difficult for me, considering I didn’t believe in such treatments. But something felt much deeper than any other therapy session I’ve ever had.
At the end of the session he told me my body might be shaking and that it’s a natural reaction to an energetic washout.
When I came home, my husband asked me how the session went, and I started trembling.
I remember telling him that it’s probably my my mind deciding that my body should start shaking and I still couldn’t believe that it happened!!
On the same day I went to sleep at 6pm and ended up sleeping until 10am the next day.
(Remember how I couldn’t sleep more than 2 hours a day??)
I woke up to a new world – I’ve regained my faith, I could let go of the anxiety. I could go back to my ordinary life!
Of course I had to go back to a few more sessions, and with each session I’ve felt like I finally understand what it meant to loosen up and and imagining new things. I’ve learned to enjoy the sessions and let myself experience each one of them.
I’m really happy I was recommended to visit him.
I am grateful for not choosing the easy path of anxiety pills and that there is another way of getting through a time like this.
I’ve gained a new perspective. The world has become calmer. I am very thankful.
I thought my heart couldn’t feel or fall in love
“Hello Eliyahu, I’ve had a very powerful experience in your clinic, I felt like negativity and toxins were leaving my body and my body is suddenly functioning a lot better. Most of all I’ve felt my heart, during and after the treatment, as if it’s back to functioning properly and can feel again. During the treatment I’ve felt butterflies going from my stomach to my heart, just like when you fall in love, which is a feeling I haven’t felt in years, I thought my heart could never feel or fall in love ever again, and that everything works like a machine…. My body still hurts in several places, but it’s not a pain that bothers me. I have accepted the pain. I’d love to come for another treatment in the future and continue using bach flower remedies.. Thank you so much for an amazing and liberating experience, for the warmth and attention, it felt just like home. Have a magical Saturday T. “
To guide you to yourself
“A special session of a special man! In an accessible safe way Eli knows how to put you at ease and to guide you to yourself, to the core. Blockades are removed so that you are able to answer questions like who am I or what and how I can realize my dreams independently. I recommend it for anyone who wants to move forward lovingly. Eli is professional and effective, he knows what he is doing and what he is talking about. The peace and trust that he gives you makes you even more open to the treatment and can be pure yourself. He has made me think and given tools. Now I recognize more my unrest moments and know how to deal with this. Eli is a pleasant and very knowledgeable man who brings something that can not be described. Stability, peace and confidence, that’s how I left the room.”
A lot of energy release and felt very relieved
“Dear Eli,
thank you so much for the very special treatment! After deep listening to my story, you knew and felt exactly what I needed and where my blockages were. There was a lot of energy release and felt very relieved afterwards. Thank you again for this beautiful experience! ”
I’ve been struggling with severe migraines for 30 years
I’ve been struggling with severe migraines for 30 “Dear Eliyahu, I would like to thank you for the devoted and sensitive treatment that you’ve given all of us (my daughter, my husband and me). We all feel significantly better with our lives since the treatment. Especially me, who suffered from severe migraines for 30 years in a way that interfered with my daily life. Ever since the second treatment you could say that the pain has vanished and life is wonderful. My daughter, who also suffered from terrible headaches, feels great after the treatments. I recommend to anyone reading this lines, and in general anyone I know, who carries a problem with no explanation or cure, to visit you for a liberating treatment. I thank you wholeheartedly for everything.
The body is floating. Liberated. Free
“Wow!!!! I don’t know how to explain. I have no words. Only sensations. The body is floating. Liberated. Free. The shoulders don’t hurt. Although I cried a lot, I am not exhausted. I do feel excited. Connected. Loved. Loving. I was crying. Screaming. Breathing. Getting mad. Pounding. I fell apart. Reconnected. I was in pain. I hated. I loved. I got emotional. I met. I met myself. I met myself as the little girl that I was. I felt sorry for her. I loved her. I walked hand in hand with her. Like a big, loving, guarding sister. With a lot of love. And a lot of closeness. With great, pleasant warmth that passed between us. Great, pleasant warmth that embraced us. I could say to her “I love you! I love you!!!” And now I say to her – Let’s go with courage. Let’s go as heroes. Let’s go with health. Let’s go to the end. With no fear. We are here together, strong and brave. We will live. Be happy, go crazy over my husband and the kids, go for it, be ourselves, let everything we have bottled up inside of us out in the open. Give ourselves love, plenty of it, because we deserve it!!!! M.”
rediscovered my sexuality
I wanted to write here and just tell what happened to me.
I came to Eliyahu because I felt blocked, disconnected from my body and my emotions.
Despite longtime psychological therapy, and even though I know I can analyze and understand situations, I was disconnected from my emotions and from my body.
Let’s start by saying that I am a big skeptic and don’t believe in anything (I was going to say: “I don’t believe in anything other than gravity”, but for most of its years humanity didn’t see or believe in gravity).
I came to Eli for just one treatment, I didn’t really feel too much during the session, and not even after.
But now, one year later, I’m in a completely different place. I went back to doing my passion in life, rediscovered my sexuality, and got rid of the feelings of guilt that accompanied me since forever. My body feels different, soft and flowing. I’m not longer afraid of anything.
I won’t say that the single session with Eli is all that caused the change, but it’s definitely probable that the treatment opened up, or helped me open up many blocks, and in turn allow for change.
Clear knowledge that I am protected and loved
Dear Eliyahu!
I wanted to thank you for the powerful experience I went through with your help. It’s been several days since my energetic washout and every day I feel how the process becomes more and more embedded in me and becomes a part of me.
The treatment itself was a fascinating journey into my own self, and afterwards I felt as if I lost 10kg of patterns that I knew were not helping me, but that I didn’t know how to get rid of.
I am a person with self-awareness, and I did a lot of work with myself for a long time, and during the treatment things were just flowing out so powerfully, and I felt all the guilt, self-deprecation, shame, regret, and other things I can’t find words for but that sat heavy on my soul, all leaving me.
It was an experience of spiritual elation and physical release, it was exhilarating.
The day after the treatment I was able to see certain situations in my life from a different perspective, and make choices and decisions not from a place of suffering, victimhood and guilt that never lead to good things, but from a place of strength and with clear knowledge that I am protected and loved, that I have a choice and that that path I choose will lead me exactly where I need to be and in a way that I can embrace the process, and that all of the options standing before me are good and helpful for me.
I couldn’t ask for a more attentive, accepting and aware therapist to guide me through the process and envelope me with so much caring.
The confidence you gave me, that I can let everything out with you and there’s no judgement or criticism from your direction, allowed me to truly let go of all this extra baggage I’ve been carrying on my shoulders for so long.
I thank you, and am definitely coming back for the rest of the process
I thought my heart can’t feel and fall in love
Hi Eliyahu, I went through a very powerful experience in your clinic, I felt that the negativity and poison in my body flushed out and my body suddenly works better. I especially felt my heart throughout the treatment and after, as if it works again and is able to feel. During the treatment I felt like butterflies were coming up from my belly to my heart the same as when you fall in love, and this is a feeling I haven’t felt in years, I thought my heart can’t feel and fall in love, and everything is working like a machine…
My body still hurts in some places but it’s not a bothersome pain, I accept it.
I would love to come back for another treatment and to continue with the Bach flowers…
Thank you for a wonderful and liberating experience, for the warmth and your listening. I felt at home.
Have a lovely weekend.
Coping better with mental stress and work pressures
My name is Amnon and I am a freelancer. I reached Eliyahu in my 50s, after the heavy stress and my job’s demanding character started to show on me physically. At first I suffered from sleep disorders by waking up too early, and then from muscle cramps. Eliyahu started working with me on different relaxation techniques. Along with the real physical relief, with time I managed to adopt habits of linger and slower breathing, which significantly helps in times of stress and my job’s continuous pressure situations. The treatments by Eliyahu significantly lessened my muscle pain and allowed me to sleep longer, as well as cope better with mental stress and work pressures.
Amnon, 56, Haifa
I know how to accept myself
Several months of emotional, touching, “rambling” and empowering sessions and treatments together with Bach flower remedies.
I started out with difficult feelings and anxieties about life, money, work, and more…
The process was slow, but every session was full of compassion, examination in order to reach maximal accuracy both in the energy washout treatment and the Bach flowers remedies.
Today, several months later, I feel like I’m in a new place, more accurate and knowledgeable – what is and isn’t, how to ask better questions, how to accept myself and how to start trusting the universe and understand what I want to bring into it.
I recommend every single person as a crossroad in their life, restless about any aspect of their lives…
I feel like I’ve won
Thank you, dear Eliyahu (:
I suffered from daily migraines
It’s been quite a while since my treatment, but I’ve been feeling for a long time now that I have to write to you to thank you.
I came to you with a broken and bleeding heart after many emotional turbulences, and to try to get rid of the migraines I’ve been suffering from for years.
You welcomed me with a smile, ready to listen and with lots of patience. Throughout the treatment I felt tingling and some pain in the places you put pressure on, but the pain was liberating.
At the end of the treatment and afterwards I felt like the rust was washed off my body, and my joy was returning to me. I felt like you blew on the ember in my heart and it is slowly starting to burn again.
I can finally open my heart again, and the migraines have improved so significantly it’s like they were never there.
Beyond that, I’d like to thank you for existing and I feel that what you do is a kind of mission. You have an enormous heart and soul and right from the start I felt that you do what you do with a great passion and will to help others.
Many thanks again,
And I’m sure we’ll meet again in the future.
Effective treatment for headaches
Dear Eliyahu,
I came to you with one problem, and got a solution for two!
My headaches have bothered me for years, getting longer, stronger and more frequent.
Painkillers stopped working.
And then luckily I mer you.
Right away I got a good feeling of professionalism from you.
I didn’t really understand how you do it, but honestly, it doesn’t really matter.
On our first session you did a thorough and detailed examination, and another problem came up – difficulty falling asleep.
We had a few sessions in your calming clinic.
I felt like I was in good hands the whole way!
And indeed after several sessions, there was a drastic improvement in headaches and in falling asleep.
The improvement in my quality of life is wonderful, and for that I am grateful to you.
I highly recommend Eliyahu Sapir!!!
Limor, Ramat Ha’Sharon
After a few sessions my migraines disappeared!
Eliyahu Sapir – you came to me like Elijah the prophet.
They say that a person needs a spiritual mentor – a therapist. The universe will provide them, and they just need to keep their eyes peeled for them!
I came to you after looking up Dr. Nader Butto, I looked for emotional therapy for unexplained dizzy spells.
From the first session you had a questionnaire through which you recognized unresolved incidents in my life, as well as energy washout and touch therapy!
You helped me get in touch with myself, to dig around and emotionally express the things I repressed unknowingly.
After a few sessions my migraines disappeared! The dizzy spells reduced in frequency! With your help, I feel so much better and happier.
I know we will meet again in the future, and now I need time to process!
To me, you are not just Eli, but the spiritual Elijah.
I had a stammer for as long as I can remember
Dear Eliyahu Sapir, I wanted to thank you for your dedication to treating me. I came to you through my father who is himself a Shiatsu and alternative medicine practitioner. At first I was actually skeptical, but I came with an open mind and eventually a lot of good came out of it – I had a stammer for as long as I can remember, I came to be treated by you and it improved significantly – you may say it even went away due to the energetic washout, the dedicated treatment, caring, and interest from you. Thank you so much, dear friend!
The treatment was something i didn’t expect!
Before the treatment started we talked about different years in my life!
During our talk you showed compassion and it felled like you understood me!
I didn’t know what to expect of the treatment, because it was my first time, but i felt at ease.
The treatment was something i didn’t expect!
My body reacted as if all my bad energy wantend to come out and it felt like it did.
I also had too crie! It was reliefing.
You have giving me hope in a life full of blockage
You are a master a true guru of your craft
thank you, thank you …I cannot wait to see you again and again,and again
Anim,49 , canada
I felt very relieved
I was able to cry after 12 years of no tears
“Dear Eliyahu! Thank you for the attention, sensitivity and powerful treatment you have given me. I am still not sure of it’s effects, but I’m already happy and grateful for all the pain that left my body, I was able to cry after 12 years of no tears! I feel more liberated, calm, at peace, comfortable, made up and collected, loving and close to the little girl within me. Waiting for whatever life may bring my way with great curiosity and optimism. Lots of brightness and love,
I’ve been sick with cancer these past 5 years
I’ve been sick with cancer these past 5 years
I turned to Eliyahu Sapir for physical and mental support.
I’d like to take the opportunity to express how grateful and appreciative I am of Eliyahu, for the devoted, professional and most of all – human care I got during our sessions.
The ability to identify my unique sensitivities helped me deal with struggles I wasn’t even aware of, all through listening, personal connection and guidance. I felt like I was exposed to more things that were hidden within me and were messing with my day to day life from time to time.
This made me a lot stronger, and with it came also physical exercises to help the flow of energy in my body and better breathing that I have also practiced at home.
Eliyahu provided me with drops concocted by him, which I saw to be of high importance.
There’s no doubt that the connection between the body and soul is highly important, and it’s something Eliyahu knows how to do perfectly.
I found him to not only be a healer, but also a friend I could trust and open up to.
The conventional medical treatment and Eliyahu’s treatment went well hand in hand.
I am grateful for everything he’s done.
I’m not afraid of going to unfamiliar places
Dear Eli,
I came to you through a recommendation from a friend,
I came to you after trying several methods of treatment, but eventually the fear made me feel stuck and prevented me from living my life peacefully.
One of the fears was a fear of making mistakes, in unfamiliar roads to me.
For example: when I had to drive somewhere unknown, even though I had Waze with directions, I needed to prepare myself mentally before arriving at an unknown city, and I’d always join a friend or have a friend join me. I never dared to leave the city on my own.
Same goes to my personal life, I’d only do things I was sure of, 100% sure.
It has limited me and delayed me from actualizing things.
As I said, I came to you through a recommendation from a friend, I wasn’t familiar with your treatment methods, yet after seeing the changes my friend has gone through with you I decided to give in. You’ve greeted me well with a smile, no judgement, no criticism and professionally, which is what helped me open up and let go.
I don’t know how things work with your method, but I believed in you!!
My reality has changed.
On the first time, my friend drove to your clinic, and on that same week I’ve had the insurance company cover a second driver for my car. On the second time I gathered the courage to drive with her beside me (the insurance covered her replacing me in driving if I couldn’t drive myself) and honestly, there was no need for that.
On the third time, I arrived to you on my own, and continued to do so from that day on.
It may sound so simple but it was a frustrating burden for me to be dependent on others.
Not only am I driving out of the city alone these days, which helps me visit my children who live outside of town without being dependent on another person, but I also became more spontaneous, light hearted, and felt positive energy flowing in my life.
I keep saying that I don’t understand your methods, but it doesn’t even matter to me at this point. What matters is that my reality as of today looks completely different.
I’m not afraid of going to unfamiliar places, and I’m not afraid to execute the things I want to do. I’ve stepped far away from the words “afraid” and “stuck”, because these days I am confident and going with the flow.
Thank you so much,
Glad I came to you, and glad I have more of me to myself.
I highly recommend anyone who’s looking to make a change in their life to visit you.
The body is levitating. It is liberated. It is free
I don’t know how to explain. I have no words. Only sensations. The body is floating. Liberated. Free. The shoulders don’t hurt. Although I cried a lot, I am not exhausted. I do feel excited. Connected. Loved. Loving.
I was crying. Screaming. Breathing. Getting mad. Pounding. I fell apart. Reconnected. I was in pain. I hated. I loved. I got emotional. I met. I met myself. I met myself as the little girl that I was. I felt sorry for her. I loved her. I walked hand in hand with her. Like a big, loving, guarding sister. With a lot of love. And a lot of closeness. With great, pleasant warmth that passed between us. Great, pleasant warmth that embraced us. I could say to her “I love you! I love you!!!” And now I say to her – Let’s go with courage. Let’s go as heroes. Let’s go with health. Let’s go to the end. With no fear. We are here together, strong and brave.
We will live. Be happy, go crazy over my husband and the kids, go for it, be ourselves, let everything we have bottled up inside of us out in the open.
Give ourselves love, plenty of it, because we deserve it!!!!
I was in complete peace, I don’t know what he did
I was in complete peace, I don’t know what he did
After chemotherapy I felt like my body and soul need a serious, comforting deep cleanse, to rid me of all the gunk, and I searched and searched and found the perfect man for the job.
He was accurate in our conversation and precisely understanding me, he provided the perfect way to treat me. Everything that I’ve been bottling up inside, that was bothering and burdening me, was completely out in the open within our first conversation, and later on during the method he used in his treatment. I was in complete peace, I don’t know what he did but I felt that everything was flowing out of my body. The heart was at ease. After a few sessions and using some bach flower remedies at home, followed by proper advice, I knew I reached my goal with a heart and soul that are open and calm. Huge thanks to the man who helped me.
Since our meeting I’ve been feeling stronger and more energetic
About a month ago I went through a one-of-a-kind experience, after struggling with some hardships I turned to Eliyahu Sapir, and honestly – I had no idea what the treatment was like. I was pleasantly surprised by the sensitivity, seriousness and professionalism. I’d like to thank Eliyahu Sapir, some time has passed since then and I feel the improvement every single day. I must state that I lead groups who underwent bereavement and since our meeting I’ve been feeling stronger and more energetic and able to do better. I sincerely recommend giving yourself the gift of this treatment. I already gifted this treatment to many of my close friends.
Miriam Kenler, Ra’anana
I felt like a blind man, able to see again
I feel like there’s not enough room to contain all the greatness within the amazing person, Eliyahu Sapir.
A man with a huge, warm, understanding and healing heart.
I came to see Eliyahu in the midst of a mental crisis, not expecting too much. But I was happily surprised. A different kind of treatment method that’s hard to explain with words.
After the energetic washout I felt disconnected, like I was flying. I felt like a blind man who could see again.
The calm, peace and hope that Eliyahu has given me – are priceless to me.
There’s absolutely no doubt that I will visit Eliyahu’s warm clinic again in the future.
And one short, sincere word – Thanks.
I didn’t know what it felt like to sleep well for over 5 years
Hi, I came to you with sleeping problems. I couldn’t fall asleep at night, it’d take me too long.
I was under a lot of stress and couldn’t relax at all.
I came to you, Eliyahu Sapir, and to be honest – I was skeptic about the treatment. It’s been over 5 years since I’ve felt what it was like to sleep well at night, be happy, be free and enjoy doing nothing, it’s something I couldn’t do and I would avoid taking long vacations because I was very uptight.
When I arrived at your clinic for a washout, after the first treatment I realized that this was the right way for me, I felt my body was shaking, I laughed and I cried, but not the way I’m used to, in a more liberating way..
After your treatment I was relieved and my sleep has become better.
Following the treatment I was given bach flower drops from you that made me feel better. A few days later you added some other flowers to the drops and ever since I’ve been feeling calm and at peace. What I have forgotten from so many years ago, I suddenly started enjoying the freedom and seeing how beautiful life is and that we should enjoy every moment of it. My mood was lifted and my appetite returned, I’m more calm around my family and I enjoy vacations with them like I haven’t in a long time.
I’d like to tell you, Eliyahu, that you are a very kind person, willing to help sincerely because you really care. You are a sensitive person and fun to talk to. I’d like to thank you sincerely once more, you are a very special person. I highly and deeply recommend anyone who has a problem, not knowing which doctor to turn to, to visit this place because you are a special person. Thank you so much.
Grasp the opportunity with both hands and let him help you
“Eli is a true healer – with a range of therapies, skills and competencies that elevates his treatments to many levels above other therapists. There is something truly special about this man that you sense in his calm demeanor the minute you meet him. He is someone who truly cares about the special needs of every client – and who has an innate sense of the type of treatment or therapy each client requires. I cannot recommend him highly enough. If you are fortunate enough to be within the aura of this kind and wonderful human being, grasp the opportunity with both hands and let him help you.” Service Category: Coaching, Healing, Therapist Year first hired: 2013 (hired more than once) Top Qualities: Great Results, Expert, High Integrity
richard kohn
managing director,cepd ctp bv netherland
A feeling that I am in a bigger womb than the one from which I came
I came very excited to my therapy session. I didn’t exactly know what’s going to happen, but I did know, is that my desire to become free can only take me so far if I do not trust the experience. I first had a conversation with Eliyahu, during which he identified the bonds and significant experiences through which I lived, and thus pinpointed the points which I would want to address during the treatment. The treatment itself is another experience entirely. Very powerful. I felt as if the body is shaking away experiences, memories, fears, and old pains. Without any control on my end. But with a full and firm control on Eliyahu’s. Afterwards, while my body is still shaking, I felt an immense flow enter my body, through the palms of my hands, which then spread to the rest of my body. Eliyahu explained this to me, and reassured me, so that I will not fear the process and we could continue. It has been five hours after the therapy. All feelings of future, past, for and against – all were but gone. Only tranquility and resilience remained. An inner peace. Only the breathing. A feeling as if I am in a bigger womb than the one from which I came.
I cried, and laughed, and saw all my life passing before my eyes
Hi Eliyahu, It was an incredible treatment, one that I didn’t experience the like of anywhere else. Although I came prepared, after reading Nader Boto’s fascinating book, I still needed to release some leftovers, and let you do what you do for quite a few years now. True, it requires the patient to become fully immersed in the experience, but for the effectiveness of the treatment, I was willing to take that ‘risk’. I cried, and laughed, and saw all my life passing before my eyes, and could see my blissful future. After an hour and a half, I felt relieved, with a better energy flow, and a feeling of joy mixed with optimism that will accompany me for life. I highly recommend this treatment to everyone I know.
I feel like I’m going through a change that has only began, and will continue
I’ve decided to tell about my personal experience, so that other may benefit from this knowledge. Over the last 6 years, I’ve been suffering from an allergy that had suddenly appeared – just like that. I manifested in the form of a rash and a terrible itching all over my body. The allergy would appear each year from spring till winter, and sometimes would even go on beyond that period. I’ve consulted every possible medical specialist, and nothing helped. For over a year, I tried acupuncture treatment from one of Israel’s best experts, and that didn’t help either. The physical discomfort was horrible, making me feel borderline disabled, although I pushed myself through the pain to try and carry on with my daily life. I reached Eliyahu Sapir through a recommendation from a friend, who heard about him from her friends, who had experience with his methods. When I came to him for the first time, I explained to him that I don’t have much expectations of him, And that I’m trying this out because I have nothing to lose. He simply smiled and said nothing. I must say, that after the first session, the allergy was all but gone!!! But in addition to that, during the therapy, I’ve experienced a complex emotional experience, which I apparently did not let go, Blockades of which I did not know. Or, Like Eliyahu said, I went through an energetic wash out. I used to be an energetic, optimistic type But ever since the therapy, everything just got more powerful Full of joy for life, but also In peace of mind, capable to listen to my now-sharpened senses and intuition. Now, I feel like using every moment of life to the fullest And not to miss a thing. I know it sounds Strange, but it’s just like that for me In my personal experience. I feel like I went through a major change that is just beginning, and that what I tell will help others too.
Your treatment is both physical and mental
Dear Eli,
When I was told what your treatment would do, I was sceptical at first. But every word was true. It made me become aware of old convictions and obstacles in my life and my body. You are a master in letting go of all that old pain and grief and I can thank you enough for giving me this insight. Your treatment is both physical and mental so good for body and mind. I recommend others to this great experience. By Eli you are in good hands.
lots of love
I felt loved, comfortable, accepted, safe
“Hi Eliyahu,
I can’t find enough words to describe the thing I felt yesterday… I think that the word “enlightenment” is a grand word that feels a bit cheap, so I take caution not to use it. Another word I can think of is catharsis, a spiritual-conscious-physical experience of purification, cleansing, liberation and deep vent. I felt connected – to myself, to the truth, to light, to the origin, to infinity.. I felt happiness – true, refined, pure due to pure presence, pure being. I felt loved, comfortable, accepted, safe. I can tell you that this morning I feel like I’m floating. A sort of pleasant lightness and and deep peace due to the understanding that there is so much beyond the “physical reality” (or the one we describe as such). Thank you so much, you treat with divine grace. See you again soon Chen”
Gave me hope and a glance at a better future
“I came to see Eliyahu after reading a recommendation about him through Dr. Nader Boto’s Facebook page. At the time I was in a point of stress, ocd, trauma and anxiety from the past. He treated me with an energetic washout, and bach flower remedies. The energetic washout was powerful at first, I was trembling and my muscles cramped as the traumatic negative energy left my body. The treatment also helped me with guided imagery, gave me hope and a glance at a better future, which was too difficult to imagine on my own. Now I can relieve myself on my own anytime I feel down. I highly recommend visiting Eliyahu because of his warmth, love and care, he truly wants to help, he’s very kind and calming. I can see and feel the sincerity in his will to help, which is something I highly value with a therapist. Y.”
I’ve been searching for a cure for a long time
“Good week, Eliyahu.
For a long time I’ve been searching for a cure, a solution, an answer to indigestion I’ve suffered from. I’ve went to doctors, got tests done on me, tried different medications, attended meetings, drank teas and infusions until I almost gave up. During my search I’ve heard of Dr. Nader Boto, and a treatment called “Energetic washout”. I then met Eliyahu Sapir, Dr. Nader Boto’s student. In the last few months after a few sessions I’ve been experiencing changes that started out small, working it’s way to restore my digestive system to proper functioning. Tip-toeing, I am thrilled and excited with every sign of progress. Marvel, miracle, faith, Eliyahu you are talented, attentive and encouraging. Thank you so much.
I felt like I’ve said goodbye to a huge part of me that was a burden on my life
“Treatment with Eli Sapir It was amazing, powerful, I felt like I’ve said goodbye to a huge part of me that was a burden on my life. After the treatment I feel light, little and calm. I breathe better, and I see better.
Layers of fear, sadness and frustration – were gone
Dear Eliyahu,
First of all, thank you. I came to you through a recommendation from a friend – I’ve never gone through emotional therapy in my life, and other than the television program and Nader Butto’s part about emotional therapy that I saw once I was never really familiar with that world.
Throughout the last 20 years I did go through psychological treatment, I understood my thought processes and coping strategies and improves my ability to solve some conflicts in my life. I read books about spirituality and attended wonderful workshops. I came to you as a relatively self-aware person.
After the first session which was very powerful, I felt a feeling I didn’t have before, and I felt that layer after layer of fears and blocks left my body. It’s like you completely shook them off of my life.
It’s completely different from understanding mental processes. I described the feeling to a close friend as if its 20 years of therapy in one session.
I walked around feeling light and happy, with courage, an ability to feel more natural around other people. I felt wonderful… and I knew, in the same way I know the sun rises, that my body went through great healing! I am a relatively happy and strong person – and after the treatment I felt that the layers that were underneath all of that happiness – layers of fear, sadness and frustration – were gone.
I still had doubts and worried about certain steps I wanted to take in my life, but the strong feelings of fear I had about them before the treatment reduced significantly after the session. Today, about a month after the session with you, I made a significant leap in my life and in my personal career, and I am so grateful to you for it! I feel like in the personal aspect as well, a lot of my fears disappeared and I feel so peaceful, I have a calm and stable feeling of inner security.
Thank you for this wonderful gift!
I have already recommended you to some of my close friends, and I think whoever comes to you has so much to gain from you!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, you’ve helped me so much
After just a few sessions, I can see the change in my child
“Writing just a few words won’t be nearly enough to describe a person as special as you, Eliyahu Sapir.. A man with a huge soul, sensitive, attentive and caring, Gives personal treatment to every patient Accurate diagnosis and treatment with amazing results Each person must go through a special treatment like that And for that I’d like to greatly thank you I want to tell all the mothers, that the education system doesn’t help and clinics only solve the problems with medication or send the children to get diagnosed by special doctors with months waiting time.. And you can’t help a child with emotional problems, attention problems or ADHD. Yes, with Eliyahu you will find the solution. Here you will find a man with a soul, a sensitive man that no child can’t connect to a heart his size. The most important thing is the amazing results after just a few sessions, you can definitely see the changes in the child, lots of light and hope, the confidence.. All of it was back only thanks to you. Thank you once again for everything.