“When despair is out to get you – don’t give it a hand”
Finding out about cancer…
A doctor informing a patient that they have cancer is perhaps one of the most frightening moments we as human beings can experience. Alongside with the physical and bodily aspects of the disease, just like any other, Cancer has two other crucial aspects: the emotional and mental components. Dealing with Cancer is challenging for both the patient and their loved ones, and can often raise fear, discomfort, and confusion, as well as lots of existential questions regarding their path in life, questions that can lead to feelings of guilt and deep sadness.

Cancer and stress are intertwined
Naturally, most cancer patients are under constant stress that begins the moment they receive the news that they have the disease, but often remains with them long after the treatment is over. Another issue is that constant stress affects our day-to-day function and our immune system, which makes it difficult for our body to regain balance and heal itself. Therefore, lowering stress levels is of huge importance, especially when dealing with cancer, in order to support the immune system and to aid our physical and mental healing process.
Dealing with constant tiredness
More than often, dealing with cancer forces the patient to gather up all of their mental strength and energy, which makes them susceptible to a constant sense of tiredness and mental drainage. They are exposed to an extensive amount of medical information in a very short period, while also dealing with the treatment’s side effects, piles of paperwork, and at times running from one clinic to the other on a regular basis. The bottom line is that the cancer patient’s life completely changes almost overnight, and their focus shifts almost entirely on the disease itself.
More than often, all a person dealing with cancer wants is to experience some peace and quiet, take a break from the constant struggles of the disease and have to a supportive, non-judgmental environment that will allow them to express themselves freely and to heal. For over 20 years in which I helped many patients, among them cancer patients, I have developed a unique and effective method that is incredibly efficient in guiding the cancer patients with the help of tools and techniques that I have acquired over the years, among them the energetic wash developed by Dr. Nader Butto. I go on a journey an internal journey with my patients, in which I provide them a supportive and relaxing environment. Using the energetic wash, patients let go of deep negative experiences and past traumas that caused energetic blockage, and therefore clean their souls while allowing the energy in their body flow harmoniously and to connect to their inner healing powers.
The form of touch which I use during the session, is an ancient and effective tool that allows me to give my patients support, a sense of security and to wrap them with love. It relaxes their nervous system, lowers stress levels and allows for the release of endorphins – our natural pain relievers. In a process that invites a deep dive into the depths of one’s soul, I allow my patients to take a break few from their busy routine, look back on their past, look forward for their future and perhaps most importantly – recharge themselves with the energy to keep moving forward. Hand in hand, I allow my patients to make conscious decisions regarding what is right or wrong for them, and where are the places or situations in which they should take the wheel and prevent their disease to dictate their lifestyle.
Every ending is a new beginning
At the end of the treatment, my gift to my patients is an opportunity to get on a new path – one that is calmer, more peaceful, and more connected to their inner selves. My goal throughout this whole process is to aid my patients to lower their stress levels and leave my clinic with greater knowledge of how to deal with the disease, both physically and mentally.
I offer you a supportive and guiding treatment, one time or reoccurring, alongside with your ongoing medical treatment – to learn more about yourselves, to deal with your fears and to allow you to focus on your recovery. My door is always open to you – I’ll be your rock, your shoulder to cry on and a sympathetic ear that is always willing to help.
Join me and discover your inner peace and head towards the fight against cancer with confidence and courage – together
Layers of fear, sadness and frustration – were gone
Dear Eliyahu, First of all, thank you. I came to you through a recommendation from a friend – I’ve never gone through emotional therapy in my life, and other than the television program and Nader Butto’s part about emotional therapy that I saw once I was never really familiar with that world. Throughout the last… Read more “Layers of fear, sadness and frustration – were gone”
The treatment was something i didn’t expect!
Before the treatment started we talked about different years in my life! During our talk you showed compassion and it felled like you understood me! I didn’t know what to expect of the treatment, because it was my first time, but i felt at ease. The treatment was something i didn’t expect! My body reacted… Read more “The treatment was something i didn’t expect!”
I had a stammer for as long as I can remember
Dear Eliyahu Sapir, I wanted to thank you for your dedication to treating me. I came to you through my father who is himself a Shiatsu and alternative medicine practitioner. At first I was actually skeptical, but I came with an open mind and eventually a lot of good came out of it – I… Read more “I had a stammer for as long as I can remember”
After a few sessions my migraines disappeared!
Eliyahu Sapir – you came to me like Elijah the prophet. They say that a person needs a spiritual mentor – a therapist. The universe will provide them, and they just need to keep their eyes peeled for them! I came to you after looking up Dr. Nader Butto, I looked for emotional therapy for… Read more “After a few sessions my migraines disappeared!”
Effective treatment for headaches
Dear Eliyahu, I came to you with one problem, and got a solution for two! My headaches have bothered me for years, getting longer, stronger and more frequent. Painkillers stopped working. And then luckily I mer you. Right away I got a good feeling of professionalism from you. I didn’t really understand how you do… Read more “Effective treatment for headaches”
I suffered from daily migraines
It’s been quite a while since my treatment, but I’ve been feeling for a long time now that I have to write to you to thank you. I came to you with a broken and bleeding heart after many emotional turbulences, and to try to get rid of the migraines I’ve been suffering from for… Read more “I suffered from daily migraines”
I know how to accept myself
Several months of emotional, touching, “rambling” and empowering sessions and treatments together with Bach flower remedies. I started out with difficult feelings and anxieties about life, money, work, and more… The process was slow, but every session was full of compassion, examination in order to reach maximal accuracy both in the energy washout treatment and the Bach… Read more “I know how to accept myself”
Coping better with mental stress and work pressures
My name is Amnon and I am a freelancer. I reached Eliyahu in my 50s, after the heavy stress and my job’s demanding character started to show on me physically. At first I suffered from sleep disorders by waking up too early, and then from muscle cramps. Eliyahu started working with me on different relaxation… Read more “Coping better with mental stress and work pressures”
I thought my heart can’t feel and fall in love
Hi Eliyahu, I went through a very powerful experience in your clinic, I felt that the negativity and poison in my body flushed out and my body suddenly works better. I especially felt my heart throughout the treatment and after, as if it works again and is able to feel. During the treatment I felt… Read more “I thought my heart can’t feel and fall in love”
Clear knowledge that I am protected and loved
Dear Eliyahu! I wanted to thank you for the powerful experience I went through with your help. It’s been several days since my energetic washout and every day I feel how the process becomes more and more embedded in me and becomes a part of me. The treatment itself was a fascinating journey into my… Read more “Clear knowledge that I am protected and loved”
The body is floating. Liberated. Free
“Wow!!!! I don’t know how to explain. I have no words. Only sensations. The body is floating. Liberated. Free. The shoulders don’t hurt. Although I cried a lot, I am not exhausted. I do feel excited. Connected. Loved. Loving. I was crying. Screaming. Breathing. Getting mad. Pounding. I fell apart. Reconnected. I was in pain.… Read more “The body is floating. Liberated. Free”
I’ve been struggling with severe migraines for 30 years
I’ve been struggling with severe migraines for 30 “Dear Eliyahu, I would like to thank you for the devoted and sensitive treatment that you’ve given all of us (my daughter, my husband and me). We all feel significantly better with our lives since the treatment. Especially me, who suffered from severe migraines for 30 years… Read more “I’ve been struggling with severe migraines for 30 years”
A lot of energy release and felt very relieved
“Dear Eli, thank you so much for the very special treatment! After deep listening to my story, you knew and felt exactly what I needed and where my blockages were. There was a lot of energy release and felt very relieved afterwards. Thank you again for this beautiful experience! ”… Read more “A lot of energy release and felt very relieved”
To guide you to yourself
“A special session of a special man! In an accessible safe way Eli knows how to put you at ease and to guide you to yourself, to the core. Blockades are removed so that you are able to answer questions like who am I or what and how I can realize my dreams independently. I… Read more “To guide you to yourself”
I thought my heart couldn’t feel or fall in love
“Hello Eliyahu, I’ve had a very powerful experience in your clinic, I felt like negativity and toxins were leaving my body and my body is suddenly functioning a lot better. Most of all I’ve felt my heart, during and after the treatment, as if it’s back to functioning properly and can feel again. During the… Read more “I thought my heart couldn’t feel or fall in love”
I am grateful for not choosing the easy path of anxiety pills
“My experience with the treatment. After a period of anxiety and trouble sleeping, sleeping for 2 hours a day with sleeping pills.. After numerous psychological therapy sessions (that usually ended up being just conversational), I visited Eliyahu Sapir after getting recommendations about him. To be honest, I was very skeptical. I arrived from sheer desperation.… Read more “I am grateful for not choosing the easy path of anxiety pills “
Feeling like a whole new woman
“I’ve found a wizard. My wizard’s name is Eliyahu. Every time, over and over, I can’t believe how much the treatment helps. I always walk out of the clinic feeling 20 years younger. No spells and no mumbles, He’s a man that knows how to touch. Both body and soul. A wizard with the sole… Read more “Feeling like a whole new woman”
I struggled with negative feelings
I came to Eli through a good friend. I heard very warm and good experiences. I came to him without expectations. Eli immediately gave me a good and warm impression. I came for rebalancing because I was energy-free and through certain experiences I struggled with negative feelings. During the treatment much energy was released because… Read more “I struggled with negative feelings”
Had a lot of stress
I was recommended to Eliyahu Sapir by a good friend.three years ago. I was not doing very well at that moment. I had a lot of stress, a hernia and a mild form of a burn out. About Eli did his magical things With shaking the legs and arms. And mental coaching. He really helped… Read more “Had a lot of stress”
The thought that a male stranger will touch me
I’ve began Eliyahu’s therapy about a year ago. I began attending this therapy following recommendation from family members, who had undergone Eliyahu’s treatment as well. A year ago, I was happy and joyous – like I am today, but not quite the same. Before the first session with Eliyahu, the thought that a male stranger… Read more “The thought that a male stranger will touch me”
Fulfill my destiny in this life.
I came to Eliyahu following a recommendation from a friend, who achieved powerful results thanks to this therapy. All my life, I am in a constant development process, which significantly accelerated over the last few years. I understood well that the purpose of this procedure is ultimately good – to create contact, love, and be… Read more “Fulfill my destiny in this life.”
Itching all over my body
I’ve decided to tell about my personal experience, so that other may benefit from this knowledge. Over the last 6 years, I’ve been suffering from an allergy that had suddenly appeared – just like that. I manifested in the form of a rash and a terrible itching all over my body. The allergy would appear… Read more “Itching all over my body”
saw all my life passing before my eyes.
Hi Eliyahu, It was an incredible treatment, one that I didn’t experience the like of anywhere else. Although I came prepared, after reading Nader Boto’s fascinating book, I still needed to release some leftovers, and let you do what you do for quite a few years now. True, it requires the patient to become fully… Read more “saw all my life passing before my eyes.”
I am good the way i am
Dear Eli, With your treatment you really did help me to let go of a lot of emotional ballast what makes that i left so much weight behind and created more space inside myself. It brought me back to my true self. Even to that little girl inside that makes me happy and let me… Read more “I am good the way i am”
I now am aware of my uncertainty
I now am aware of my uncertainty. I was busy with something I wasn’t aware. I was holding my breathe in situations, and I don’t know why. I just stop. and hold. The border is something what seems to be repeating and I don’t know the cause. I have goals and on the way I… Read more “I now am aware of my uncertainty”
I never felt the compassion for myself
Eli, Since the treatment I’m very much aware of of breathing and increasing passion in life again. It has to do with feeling worthy, and loving yourself. In my work as a photographer it’s all about compassion for others. But I never felt the compassion for myself 🙂 The breathing part might be a karma… Read more “I never felt the compassion for myself”
I was very relieved and full of energy
Dear Eli, It has been a great experience to be treated by you. During the intake you made me feel comfortabele and we discussed the energy treatment. During the massage I felt as I was leaving my body. I noticed my self as I was a bystander. I also experienced a very clear picture of… Read more “I was very relieved and full of energy”
As a cancer survivor
Hi Eliyahu, I’ve come to see you with the recommendation of a friend in order to relieve stress and start a process of healing for my soul. As a past cancer survivor, I found it important to treat my soul and body with something like an energetic washout as part of the deep healing process. I never… Read more “As a cancer survivor”
I discovered that I’m pregnant
I came to Eliyahu for the first time almost 4 years ago… A woman suffering from Crohn’s disease and Fibromyalgia, with tremendous will and ambition to find herself in this world, and to finally conceive a daughter after giving birth to two boys. I arrived at Eliyahu’s clinic filled with doubts, fears, and energetic blockages,… Read more “I discovered that I’m pregnant”
A Few Years of Psychoanalysis
Just two sessions with Eliyahu Sapir have almost miraculously released blockages and residual feelings that were buried deep down inside of me, ones that affected my happiness and spontaneity. In my humble opinion, this deeply meaningful change in my well-being, peacefulness and happiness is on par with a few years of professional Psychoanalysis treatment, and… Read more “A Few Years of Psychoanalysis”
guidance and care
Dear Eliyahu, We came to you while being in the darkest place that we have ever been in, feeling that we as parents could not help our son anymore, who suffers from a difficult and persistent disease that have brought complex mental problems, a low self-esteem, social issues and more… after years and years of… Read more “guidance and care”
I Was Sexually Abused
I would like to share a traumatic experience that happened to me when I was a little girl. When I was around 4 or 5, a stranger sexually abused me. It ended quickly, but it scarred me for life. This scar stayed with me for years and years. I kept this secret with a feeling… Read more “I Was Sexually Abused”
my womb starting to move
Dear Eliyahu, I wanted to thank you, first and foremost, for who you are. I began to tear up from the very first moment I sat across from you because I felt unconditional love and support in your presence, which allowed me to be myself and deal with my biggest obstacles. You were completely there… Read more “my womb starting to move”
My Fear of Driving
I came to you because of a suffocating fear that took over me every time I put my hands on the wheel. Driving is a crucial aspect of my job and therefore my life, and because of that I did everything I could to forget about this one accident that have caused this fear. No… Read more “My Fear of Driving”
A Fearless Skeptic
I wanted to use this platform to write down what happened to me. I came to Eliyahu because I felt like I was stuck, disconnected from my body and my emotions. Despite going through long therapy sessions, despite the fact that I know how to analyze and be aware of different scenarios, I couldn’t put… Read more “A Fearless Skeptic”