The body is levitating. It is liberated. It is free

I don’t know how to explain. I have no words. Only sensations. The body is floating. Liberated. Free. The shoulders don’t hurt. Although I cried a lot, I am not exhausted. I do feel excited. Connected. Loved. Loving.
I was crying. Screaming. Breathing. Getting mad. Pounding. I fell apart. Reconnected. I was in pain. I hated. I loved. I got emotional. I met. I met myself. I met myself as the little girl that I was. I felt sorry for her. I loved her. I walked hand in hand with her. Like a big, loving, guarding sister. With a lot of love. And a lot of closeness. With great, pleasant warmth that passed between us. Great, pleasant warmth that embraced us. I could say to her “I love you! I love you!!!” And now I say to her – Let’s go with courage. Let’s go as heroes. Let’s go with health. Let’s go to the end. With no fear. We are here together, strong and brave.
We will live. Be happy, go crazy over my husband and the kids, go for it, be ourselves, let everything we have bottled up inside of us out in the open.
Give ourselves love, plenty of it, because we deserve it!!!!