Free Flow - From Stagnation to Flow: An Innovative Approach to Body and Mind Therapy!

My “Free Flow” method is a unique treatment experience combining conversation, touch, and therapeutic tools that have inspired me over the years. This method integrates various techniques such as Bach Flower Essences, healing sounds, and breathing awareness. It is designed to address a wide range of physical and mental issues, aiming to improve the quality of life for my patients through a precise combination of these techniques.

Using Bach Flower Essences – Dissolving Emotional Blockages and Trauma

I am a firm believer in the power of Bach Flower Essences to dissolve emotional blockages and trauma. With their help, we will peel back the layers that trauma has created over the years, reach the root of the pain, and address it – according to the need and attention your body personally requires. Bach Flower Essences act as a kind of crutch supporting your healing process. They function as an emotional support, accompanying you throughout the journey, aiding in recovery, providing gentle but effective support that allows you to progress at your own pace towards improvement and healing.

Sounds – Achieving Deep Inner Peace

Special sounds can help us feel inner peace, and when we are peaceful, we can grow and change. I use various tools such as drums, bells, and special bowls made of crystal or metal. The sounds they produce enter the body gently, helping us connect more deeply with ourselves and feel better.

Breathing – Enhancing Vitality and Oxygen Levels in the Body

Many patients tend to breathe shallowly, which harms them. Awareness of breathing helps increase vitality and maintain proper oxygen levels, which are so important for cell activity in the body.

From Blockage to Flow: A Healing Journey with the Energy Washing Method

The Energy Washing Method is a unique treatment technique developed by Dr. Nader Butto, a senior cardiologist and catheterization specialist. It aims to improve the quality of life, strengthen the immune system, balance mood, and enable better coping with life’s challenges. The method is based on the mind-body connection and assumes that every experience or trauma is registered in our body. When an experience is not processed properly, an energy blockage forms in the body, which can manifest as physical pain, illness, emotional difficulty, or problematic behavior patterns. Energy Washing treatment is designed to release these blockages in the body and allow free flow of energy throughout the body. The process involves pressing on the body, over clothes, combined with guided breathing. The treatment is suitable for a wide range of people and conditions, including stress, pain, sleep problems, emotional crises, and trauma. However, it is not recommended for people with certain mental impairments, pregnant women, or very young children.

Ilan Lev Method: New Movement for New Life

The Ilan Lev Method and other tools are a great way to deal with life’s difficulties in a healthy and beneficial manner. The treatment combines gentle body movements with deep listening to emotions. It helps release blockages, improve movement, relieve pain, understand ourselves better, and gain the strength to face challenges. In the “Free Flow” method, I combine several treatment methods together. I look for the best way to help each person develop. The treatment lasts up to an hour and a half, during which I use various methods to help you understand yourself better. The goal is to learn how to release tension and let the body relax. Sometimes, during treatment, you might feel out of control or even anxious. But don’t worry – this is part of the process. You will discover that despite these feelings, it is possible to feel more relaxed at the end of the process. I help your body and mind to release and feel freer.

Tiny Needles, Big Impact: The Secret of Auriculotherapy for Healing Body and Mind

Auriculotherapy is a recognized and approved treatment method based on acupuncture of the outer ear. The modern method was developed in 1953 by Dr. Paul Nogier but has ancient roots in China. It is recognized by international organizations and considered effective for a variety of physical and mental issues. The treatment is based on stimulating specific points in the ear that affect various organs and systems in the body. This is done using tiny needles or pellets intended to send “instructions” to the brain for healing and renewal. The method is considered natural, safe, and without side effects and is reported to assist in a wide range of medical and mental conditions, from pain to addictions and anxiety.

Changing Perspective, Changing Lives – EMR: An Innovative Therapy Combining Eye Movements for Healing

EMR – Eye Movements Release is an innovative treatment approach that combines controlled eye movements with other therapeutic techniques. It is based on research showing a connection between eye movements and brain activity, allowing efficient processing of difficult emotions and experiences. The method is known for its effectiveness, ease of application, safety, and personal adaptation. It is used to treat a variety of issues such as anxiety, depression, addictions, chronic pain, attention and concentration disorders, and other emotional difficulties. The treatment process includes an initial assessment, instruction in eye movements, processing of emotions and experiences, emotional release, and empowerment. The method is combined with general cleansing to release blockages and energetic release accompanied by Bach Flower Essences.

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אליהו ספיר